The Christmas Magic
A few days ago we made our annual trip to the Christmas tree farm. Our wet winter hadn’t done wonders for the trees but when we phoned to see if there were any good ones left the owner mentioned that there was a particularly endearing “short and fat one.” Short and fat suited us just fine.
Che was jumping about with excitement, not really knowing what to do with all that happy energy. His legs and arms were all akimbo as he ran between the rows. ‘Santas’ fell from the trees, catching the afternoon light – the Australian Christmas snow.
We found our tree, chopped it down, carried it to the buggy and took it to the car.
We bundled in, inhaled the sweet scent of pine and all of a sudden it really felt like Christmas.
Boxes of decorations were unpacked, we realised (as we do each year) that the lights weren’t working, the elves made their way onto the mantle and the Christmas books finally had their own special basket.
The Tree!
And only then did the beautiful, innocent, palpable excitement of a little boy at Christmas become infectious.
“…the night begins to thrum with magic, the kind of magic that makes reindeer fly. ..The Christmas magic is here at last.” – The Christmas Magic.
beautiful jodi, just beautiful. short and fat looks magical. I love your christmas book basket, ours is filling up too, the kids can't wait to get into bed each night to read a new one! how wonderful for parents to see Christmas in a new light again when little ones arrive x
Short and fat looks great! Love those little men as well… with the caps. x
Oh I do love the look of your short and fat tree in all it's festive glory. We have one allergic to pine trees so it's faux all the way for us.
I miss having young children around because the excitement is infectious. Your tree is lovely. I like the simplicity of it and all the decorations.
oh looks wonderful
I love your short fat tree! Christmas trees are certainly in short supply this year – we couldnt get one so put up out tree. There is nothing quite like the smell of a real tree 🙂
A tree & decorations definitely make it feel like Christmas. I love the tradition of putting up a tree and getting out the decorations. Love the memories in that.
Oh, what a beautiful tree Jodi. And that boy of yours us a delight as always. Xx
Ps. Any sign of Le Monster? X
They smell incredible, don't they? Love your christmas decorations. I'm getting excited too! Fun fun. Merry christmas to you. Kellie xx
What a beautiful Christmas scene, it has definitely inspired me to take a little bit more care next year.
Fabulous! the little felted hats are wonderful!
xo em
Your tree looks very cute! We too only remembered half of our lights weren't working once we put them on… maybe its just tradition now?!
I just adore those elves Jodi, so cute.
I was telling Lola Nova when she told me about her xmas tree hunt that I didn't think we could just wander around with an axe & cut our own here… but I was obviously wrong!
Love the elves!
I've told my husband that i think this will be our last year with a plastic tree. I've always wanted a real tree & i think we'll have to start a new tradition next year. Whereabouts is the Christmas Tree Farm, i had no idea we had one around here?
your display is the epitome of christmas magic. sending much joy to you and yours this christmas jodi. x ashley
So sweet, I can't wait to have littles to celebrate christmas with! Hope you're having a lovely week. x
what a beautiful christmas tree and festive fireplace you have – your photos capture a wonderful space. I love the christmas bush – it has reminded me I really must get some, I've not seen it growing anywhere near where I live, so will have to check out the green grocer markets.
love the jack in the box!
ohh the perfect tree! I wish I could smell it through the screen – ha!! xx
So beautiful Jodi. And what a perfect tree 🙂
i love a wobbly imperfect tree. happy christmas guys, hope you have an amazing break. (i'm outta here for a while – see you in 2012!)
ps. package going in post shortly. promise!
i congratulate you on getting the tree up (even if it is short and fat). i'm going to use less ornaments this year because our 18mo loves chaos.
this weather has gotten me down so our tree is not up yet, fingers crossed we complete one task today.
it's perfect!