cheesymite anyone?

I fondly remember eating cheese and vegemite sandwiches at school. It must be the Australian school lunch staple! I often send the same sandwich with Che to Montessori (on rye and accompanied by a nut-free muesli bar, a boiled egg, fruit salad, a carrot stick and some sultanas). But sometimes there’s no bread in the house, we’re all out of cheese and I don’t have time (or the inclination) to make a trip to the shops. It’s then that the freezer and it’s bounty of treats comes in handy. You see, I always have a few of Bakers Delight’s Cheesymites tucked away for the occasional disorganised morning – and they make the very best lunchbox treat.

Bakers Delight treated us to a bundle of Cheesymites and some delicious loaves of bread this morning (the Cape Seed Loaf is my favourite and is particularly good with honey!) As a bit of a trade they have asked me to spread the word. You see, on Australia Day (next Thursday) Bakers Delight are giving all their customers a FREE Mini Cheesymite Scroll to celebrate our country and the quintessential Aussie treat. All you have to do is wander into your local store – you don’t even have to make a purchase. Fun fun, win win.

They have also given me 4 x $5 Bakers Delight gift vouchers to giveaway. Just leave a comment with your name and email and I’ll draw four winners this Sunday 22nd.

Update. Comments closed. The Random Number Generator chose #2 Katrina, #6 Sarah, #15 Sammie and #20 Maxabella. Congrats ladies….enjoy your Bakers Delight treats!

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Showing 28 comments
  • Becs

    This big kid still likes cheesymite scrolls 😉

  • Katrina (capturing moments)

    My favourite thing. Aussie Aussie Aussie!

  • [Good Mum Hunting]

    I bought those boardies for Edward too, how CUTE are they!


  • Lipstick and Licorice

    Can vouch for the benefit of cheese and vegemite, still my favourite and I'm a lot older than Che.

  • Yasmin

    Cheesymite scrolls – the best thing since sliced bread!!!! love em….xxx

  • Sarah Humphreys

    Jude loves his cheesymites 🙂 He even loves a plain bread roll from them too. Good idea to keep some in the freezer!
    $5 of 'em sounds lovely.

  • Brittany

    i wished in Australia to try some cheesymites!! maybe one day i will get the chance 🙂

  • mamashara

    The only way my kids will sit still in the trolley while grocery shopping is with a cheesymite scroll in their hands!! I was going to attempt to make some this week to keep in the freezer.

  • ::The Beetle Shack::

    the kid is too cute! please do tell where his shorts are from

    xo em

  • ::The Beetle Shack::

    oh and i see the local is now open again!

  • Shelley

    Mmm finger buns 🙂

  • lou

    cheese & marmite over here in the UK! Yes it was one of my school lunch staples when I was a girl and now Charlie has it too (yesterday in fact!). Che – you are summer in a nut shell! Lucky boy wearing sandals and shorts, the freedom! lou xx

  • freckles

    I don't know if this makes me un-Australian but i can't stand vegemite!
    I do have an unhealthy obsession with Bakers Delights chocolate croissants and their white chocoalte/berry scones.
    Soooooo yummy!

  • Anna @ green tea n toast

    Yum! Love that combination and great idea to keep some in the freezer. Also love vegemite and avocado on toast, but that's another story…

  • Sammie

    Mmm.. Cheesymites! Always a go to snack or lunch option when on the go and short on time.
    I try to be good and buy re wholemeal one… But white bread is oh so scrumptious!!!

  • jody

    I think everyone like a cheesymite scroll!


  • Lee Ann

    Oh! It looks so warm where you are!! And the sandwich looks delicious!!

  • Anonymous

    love these, and the spinach & fetta ones!


  • GSims

    please share where che's sandals are from. i wore (red) roman sandals in primary school (nz). i've been looking for similar ones for my two boys.

    my eldest son doesn't like cheesymite sammos or scrolls, but mummy sure does. will check these out at BD.

  • Maxabella

    How cute is that? Go Bakers Delight! (Wait a minute, are they NZ, or was that just the guy in the ad?) x

  • Bridget {The Tai Tai}

    God I miss Bakers Delight!! What a store x

  • Hello Olive

    Hi, that is such a gorgeous photo! Thanks for commenting on my blog :-)Btw, have never heard of a cheesymite until this post – I've always been partial to a cheese and marmite combo myself!

  • Em

    Um yes please! And their Vienna Loaf is the bomb… or wait, is that Brumbys? Always get the two mixed up! Regardless, cheeseymite scrolls are a necessity, glad to see I'm not the only great mum who keeps these on standby in the freezer 😉

  • LauraLaiche

    I have to say, watching Andrew Zimmern take a trip to Australia and try vegemite was quite enough for me. Being an American, I'm not quite sure how you Australians stomach it!

  • Corinthians Grace

    Not being a Aussie never got the vegemite and cheese thing… but the kids make up for that and always ask (actually demand) them

  • Maxabella

    Thanks random generator! x

  • Leen

    oh, I completely forgot about this bakery. I lived as an exchange student in perth in 2000 (where has time gone!!?) and I remember living of their rolls, as they were the only European kind of bread I could find over there. mmmmmmm
    Never heard of cheesymite though.

  • Luna

    I remembered your post on Bakers Delight Cheesymite and today we tried it for the first time. It was super delicious! We are looking forward to trying it again, pity we don't live near one. I also sent Bakers Delight positive feedback (never done this before). They really should sell them in a bag of 6/8. Thank you Jodi.

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