che che turns 3

Last night I told Che that three years ago I had pains in my belly and I knew he was coming. Daniel told him I was making noises like: “oohhh, ooohhhh, ooohhh”. When we had family and friends over this afternoon for cake and celebrations Che told them that three years ago: “…I was a baby and the umbilical cord was on my belly button and Daddy cut it.”

The fact that he’s old enough to retell his birth story (or at least snippets of it) just mesmerizes me.
This morning he ventured into the lounge room to find a tee pee and some surprises within it. Last week he told me he wanted a strawberry cake (I was so relieved that I didn’t have to mold sponge cake into a rocket ship) and I immediately opened to Sipi’s Strawberry Cake in the stunningly beautiful Falling Cloudberries. While he played this morning I baked and then we ventured to the beach and the park for play in the sun and birthday treats (dixie cup ice-cream).
He really gets the ‘birthday’ thing now which means he really is getting big. He’s such a big, little boy but he’ll always be my baby.

Happy happy birthday Che Che. Thank you so very much for making me a Muma. It’s the very best thing I’ve ever done. I love you so much, even more and even more again. xxx

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  • Sarah

    Happy birthday little Che … oh i love that tee pee.

  • Miss E

    How exciting for your little family! I love the tee pee! Do they come in big people sizes?

  • Jodi

    big people can fit in this one (just not standing up). I've put floor cushions on the bottom so it's pretty cosy in there. I plan to keep a basket with a rotating collection of pictures books in there). It's pretty special.

  • Emma Bradshaw

    awww he is so big now Jodi, happy birthday Che ;0)

  • LJ

    Happy 3rd Birthday Che. What a lovely post.

  • Beth

    Happy birthday Che, such a lovely post. Hope he enjoys playing in his tepee, we have one also and love it, it's so fun. Enjoy your selves xx

  • Jeana Marie

    Happy Birthday Che – what a sweetie…so big!

  • Kristi

    happy birthday sweet boy and happy celebrating to the muma. he looks like he woke bigger…oh my.

  • Jaclyn

    he is so adorable and what a good mama you are! well done on the cake!

  • Claudia Guerreiro

    happy birthday to Che!! looks like he had a great day. great traditions starting. wonderful. 🙂

  • Ola

    Happy birthday Che. I can feel the emotion in your words. It looks like it was a beautiful day for a beautiful boy!

  • fliss

    happy birthday little Che. looks like it was a special day with many treats.x
    Beautiful 🙂

  • DANA

    beautiful!!!! congratulations!!!!

  • Aura

    Happy birthday, sweet Che! I adore that teepee.
    Michael promised to build me one for the baby's room. I can't wait to read stories in it. I think I might just enjoy it more than our little one 🙂

  • Nell

    He is such a beautiful boy, and what a spectacular cake! Happy birthday Che, your tipee is awesome! xx

  • Erin

    Have not visited in awhile, so I thought I would stop by and see what's new. 🙂 I'm sure my boys would LOVE to hang out in his tee pee and look at books. We used to have a frog tent that I cozied up in the same way. 🙂 Happy birthday to your little (& quickly growing) Che!

    Btw, if you're interested in checking it out, I just started a new blog… The Wiferson Handbook. Would love for you to stop by and say hi sometime!

  • Megan-Joy

    Happy Birthday to little Che! My sweet son turns 3 on October 16th, and I've been having some of the same thoughts. How can he possibly be old enough to really grasp the concept that this is his birthday – the day he entered the world and left mama's belly?!

    That cake looks wonderful! I wish strawberries were in season here.

  • Peta

    3 already??? How did that happen? He does look older, especially that second photo! Love that tee pee. Can I ask the details? I have only seen in colour. I love that neutral 🙂 glad you had a great day. That cake looks delish!

  • PottyMouthMama

    Feeling a bit emotional after reading that beautiful post. Love. He looks so so big, and yet, he is just a little boy in this big world – always your sweet baby. Love the cake, heck I love it all.

    Happy Birthday Che Che. x (and to you Jodi!) x

  • Leigh

    Happy Birthday to Che! And happy birth day to you, Mama. Looks like a wonderful celebration. The teepee is grand.

  • Christina

    Happy Birthday cutie pie! The tee pee and the cake look amazing!


  • jackieb

    Happy Birthday Che can I have afternoon tea in the tee-pee please!! Lots of love Chris & jackie

  • mama bear

    Happy Birthday Che Che.
    I love the tipi. I want one.
    I have that book to but have never made anything from it. I think I got it for the pictures. xx

  • Anne

    Happy 3rd Birthday…

    I love your Tee Pee..:)

  • Johanna Lindsay

    That cake looks amazing! What a great post.

  • tea with lucy

    Happy Birthday spunky boy.

    I do like your hat!

  • ecoMILF

    beautiful shots. happy happy happy birthday che!! sounds like an amazing day for both of you! xx m.

  • Donna

    Happy Birthday to your big 3 year old boy! Happy Birthing day to you too! Your day together sounded perfect 😀

  • Erin

    Happy Birthday to Che! The big 3 … My little guy will be turning 3 in December. That strawberry topped cake looks delicious 🙂

  • jess

    Anyway you could share where that amazingly fun Tipi came from? Looking for one, for my little boy, for x-mas and I love the look of Che's! Congrats on being a mom to such an adorable 3 year old!

  • Ella

    Happiest birthday beautiful boy!!! how did i miss it? xoxoxoxo

  • Nicole

    Just wondering where you got the Tee Pee?

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