If you like what you read here, subscribe to my substack and receive one newsletter a week, straight to your inbox. It’s been a whirlwind, hasn’t it. Here we all are, thrust into a situation we [...]
The last of the autumn leaves are clinging and the spring buds are about to burst. I’m definitely ready to fling open the windows and welcome spring. Spring is, naturally, a busy time of [...]
I’ve always been a bit superstitious, so much so that I don’t ever condone new shoes on tables or open umbrellas inside. On the flipside, I believe that the universe gives us what we [...]
I’ve been posting photos from Bali on instagram and when I flicked through them yesterday, I realised that they weren’t telling the whole story. If you’ve never been to [...]
I spend far too much time thinking about the house we don’t own. Over the past few years we have created budgets, discussed the cost of living and outlined savings plans. We have spent [...]
It’s been windy for the past week; blustery, cold air whipping us all into a frenzy. Put simply, I’m a mess and completely out of sorts – irritable, frazzled, foggy headed and [...]
So, it seems I’ve figured out the difference between people like myself and those sparkling Type-A personalities who seem to have everything done all of the time (regardless of whether or [...]
You know those moments when you realise that things must change? I often have them on the drive to school; a moment of reflection after a hurried morning, a split-second between answering [...]
A few weeks ago it became apparent that the word “busy” was slipping into every conversation I was having. I started shocking myself with the ease with which I was saying it – [...]
When your child becomes your teacher don’t expect the lesson to be an easy one. We were halfway through the spring school holidays when I decided it was probably best to clean the table [...]
The last thing I want to do on a yoga mat is think too much about what’s coming next. This way of thinking, this way of being, defines motherhood, don’t you think? Whilst being in the [...]
I got back on the mat yesterday after a rather long hiatus. I confess that I find it quite difficult to practise at home; very un-zen of me, I know. But when I’m on the mat I look around [...]
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