for your socks

This is, perhaps, the epitome of banal, but if a muma is going to have anything to write home about, it’s an invention that makes the hum-drum of washing that much easier. Socks are rarely [...]

pocket money

Seven is such a pivotal age, perhaps even more so when a new baby arrives. The leap into the next stage of childhood is profound and because Che is our firstborn it’s all new for us, too. [...]

welcoming autumn

I realise that by the calendar we are only weeks away from winter but as far as the temperature goes, autumn has only just tickled our toes. Said tootsies are now snug in slippers; lambskin [...]


  newly planted lavender to brighten the front balcony / the sweetest pile of milky-hued (soon to be milky-scented) baby clothes Next week marks three-months since we moved house and [...]

simple play

By some kind of miracle I managed to fall asleep before midnight last night and yet I was wide awake again come 2:30am. Strange sleep patterns are perfectly fine during the holidays but now that [...]