A few months ago I was on a quest for a small bookshelf. Instead of resorting to the usual outlets for cheap furniture, I opted to take the long road…I drove around the local neighbourhood [...]
Percy’s beanie is from Nature Baby and his cardigan (which has been in the family for five years!) is from babaa I took Percy to the lemon tree yesterday. It grows in a garden on the street [...]
Following on from my simple living post last week, I thought it best to tell you a little bit about my frugal mindset (which is, safe to say, an ever evolving, one-step-forward-two-steps-back [...]
the little table in our entranceway is home to keys and candles, two buddhas and a bowl for collected ephemera (our nature table, of sorts) / this is where I’ll be this weekend; my comfy [...]
How did we get to May so quickly? I sat down a few days ago with tea and my diary and jotted down May’s meal plan. It took me under half-an-hour and now I don’t have to think [...]
School is back today and Percy is with my mum so I’m relishing in an entire six hours of quiet. I’m dealing with a lingering cold that’s turned into a frustrating sinus issue so [...]
The second week of the school holidays is almost done and I’ve been thankful for the downtime. That said, a return to routine will be much appreciated. I’ve done about twenty loads of [...]
I was chatting to Daniel a few nights ago about my efficiency around the home. I don’t consider myself an efficient person by any stretch of the imagination but, in saying that, I do [...]
Yes, we will be eating meals a little more substantial than these cookies. But I’ll bake these a few times during the month because they’re Daniel’s favourites. I’ve been [...]
In my first year of university I worked at Alannah Hill on Oxford Street in Paddington. Yep, I was one of those girls – red lipstick, mandatory heels and fake flowers and/or birds clipped [...]
We’re on day eight of a lingering cold that has seen us go through five boxes of tissues. The freezer has been raided for meals because cooking was the last thing on my mind and [...]
After only two weeks back at school the kids brought home a cold. Of course, the snuggles and middle-of-the-night soothing meant it was only a matter of time till I started feeling bleh. And here [...]
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