“Clutter is not just physical stuff. It’s old ideas, toxic relationships and bad habits. Clutter is anything that does not support your better self.” – Eleanor Brownn [...]
Last week I was lamenting about the fact that I had nothing to write about when I realised that it was simply a seasonal lull; an annual occasion that forces me to sit back, be ok with said [...]
It’s officially cold and we’re clad in layers. Winter’s timing was spot on this year; the past few days have been icy, clear and fresh – as it should be. The seasonal [...]
after months without it I finally have my beloved 50mm 1.4 lens back (Daniel managed to pull it apart and fix it – a painstaking operation) / Poet wears the cloche hat that I wore in my [...]
it’s been an absolute pleasure to flick through Alphabet Journal (there’s only a few hundred copies left of issue a) / early morning, bed hair and handmade flannelette jammies [...]
the lemon and orange trees in our neighbour’s garden are abundant; I’m planning a few fruit picking sessions followed by baking One more school day and then we celebrate! I’m [...]
I’ve always taken the natural healing route when it comes to my family’s health. Good food and home remedies are the first things I turn to when sickness strikes but there have been [...]
“Winter, while it can be one of the hardest seasons to embrace, has a lot to teach us about true beauty and wisdom. Stripped of her flowers, leaves, and warmth, the earth reveals her naked [...]
Mid last week I woke with a razor blade throat and it pained me to swallow. I admit, I knew it was coming; I was run down, a little anxious about work and the sudden onset of winter was a bit of [...]
I should probably start by apologising for taking so long to announce the winner of the winter giveaway. Truth be told, life has been slightly chaotic and I wanted to set aside a good few hours [...]
In stark contrast to the oyster farms, the winter rock pool is bright and, quite literally, shimmering. We all went down to the beach this week and come midday Che and Poet were immersed; [...]
The view from the carriage is always beautiful, especially when the train weaves around the Hawkesbury River, past tiny fisherman cottages, derelict sheds and humble tinnies. Early Saturday [...]
Thank you for visiting. You can now buy me a coffee!