We’ve spent the past four months travelling up and down the East Coast and most days we’ve been near water; ocean, lakes, rivers and swimming pools. With four kids to look after I have to stay [...]
We’ll always be fond of NRMA Ocean Beach Holiday Park because it was the very first place we stayed after we handed in the keys to our house and hit the road. Located on the south end of the [...]
Percy wears Splash Top, Splash Shorts + Hooded Towel I’ve had to be really selective with the children’s clothes as we travel and to be honest with you, I’m still figuring out what constitutes a [...]
This post is created in collaboration with NRMA Parks and Resorts Holiday parks are one of the happiest places you will ever visit. We’ve stayed in many parks and resorts over the past few months [...]
This post was created in collaboration with NRMA Parks and Resorts We travel because we want the kids to spend their childhood outdoors in the Australian sun – at the beach, under gum trees [...]
I’ve spent the last few weeks meandering through school holidays. You know what I mean; making my way from the kitchen to the laundry to the washing line to the beach to the supermarket. We [...]
It was never my intention to take a month-long blogging hiatus but, well, life was busy. Honestly, those last few weeks of the school year were hectic and emotionally charged – more so than [...]
I’m feeling a little like the peony petals that have fallen to the table. Everyone is saying much the same; this time of year is full of commitments and yet we’re all running on [...]
Despite the fact that it’s the busiest time of the year, there’s still the daily rhythm of home to ground me. This week marks the beginning of summer and it’s already hot and [...]
We are creeping towards the finishing line and we aren’t doing it gracefully. I pulled up to Che’s school gate this morning a good five minutes late, expecting to be the only mum [...]
As soon as we got home this afternoon I announced we were going to the beach. Granted, it would have been easier to stay at home and move through the daily routine of homework, dinner prep and [...]
We’re on the cusp of the giving season where social calendars are heaving and motivation may be dwindling. Am I the only one that finds this time of year a little challenging? The diary is [...]
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