On one of our final days in Bali last year I was preparing to have a massage and wondered why the masseuse didn’t want me lying on my front. “But you have baby,” she said, [...]
Late pregnancy is so different this time ’round. We’re in the thick of winter, heading towards the end of school holidays and I’m attempting to nest and spruce and tidy. And yet [...]
Our friend Tim Coulson spent a few hours with us on Friday morning…at our favourite beach in bright, winter light. I wanted to capture this moment in time as we’re on the cusp of [...]
I’m planning on spending a couple of nights in hospital this time ’round. I know a shared room isn’t for everyone but honestly, I really appreciate having the on-call support of [...]
After two weeks of grey, we’ve had a run of perfect wintry days just right for sorting, washing and folding baby clothes. There’s less than a month till my due date and with every [...]
I’m officially in the later stages of pregnancy and experiencing sudden bursts of energy interspersed with days of complete exhaustion. I forgot about the pain of rolling over in bed at [...]
Not to be confused with the second trimester holiday that has cheekily adopted the term, a traditional babymoon is a dedicated period of rest after the birth of your baby. The new mother and her [...]
Welcoming a new baby into the family is one of the greatest changes your child will experience in their young lives. It’s huge and it’s also completely normal. So how to prepare them? [...]
As I near 29weeks I’m conscious of savouring this last trimester…resisting the temptation to count down the days till we meet this mid-winter baby. Regardless of my growing belly (I [...]
blush linen scarf / gwyn blouse / mavi jeans I’m really grateful that I won’t have to endure late pregnancy during summer. But on the flipside, dressing a blossoming belly in winter [...]
An admission: I’m so much more relaxed with my diet in this pregnancy that in previous. That’s not to say that I’m eating badly – not at all! But I made a conscious choice [...]
I’ve spent eight of the past ten years either pregnant or breastfeeding so I consider myself a bit of an expert on what constitutes a comfortable, supportive, essential maternity bra. Bra [...]
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