This year I send Che, my firstborn, into his final year of Primary School. I’m in total dismay that all those years have passed by. I vividly remember the lead up to his first day; I would get [...]
Here’s a little something I’ve gleaned over the past few years; toddlers and pre-schoolers love to help with chores around the home. School-aged kids? Not so much. And yet generally [...]
coffee…essential for all school parents It seems that we’re bombarded with bad stories about public education, doesn’t it? Naplan, bullying, dissatisfied teachers, unmotivated [...]
In my first year of university I worked at Alannah Hill on Oxford Street in Paddington. Yep, I was one of those girls – red lipstick, mandatory heels and fake flowers and/or birds clipped [...]
Summer holidays are over and we’re preparing for the school run tomorrow morning. I spent a few hours in the kitchen today and whipped up lunchbox treats which I’ve currently hidden [...]
Needless to say, we are well and truly out of the school morning routine. Dawdling is our preferred pace of late, peppered with a fair bit of disorganisation. We struggle to get out the [...]
The school note on my fridge tells me that kindergarten orientation starts next week. There are pinafores hanging in the wardrobe and twice-daily conversations about school routines and [...]
Photo above: Percy is eating from his Mess Kit, kindly sent from long-time blog reader, Emma This post started with a phone call to Bron, my editor over at Mumtastic. We were chatting about [...]
The first step to making a lunch that will actually be eaten? Get a lunchbox that’s ideal for little hands. In celebration of Plastic Free July and with a new school term upon us, I thought [...]
Seven is such a pivotal age, perhaps even more so when a new baby arrives. The leap into the next stage of childhood is profound and because Che is our firstborn it’s all new for us, too. [...]
the lemon and orange trees in our neighbour’s garden are abundant; I’m planning a few fruit picking sessions followed by baking One more school day and then we celebrate! I’m [...]
spontaneous beach days will have to wait for the weekends I would like to tell you that our first morning back at school was smooth, calm and hurried-free. But that would be a lie. This morning [...]
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