A few weeks ago Daniel and I noticed, at almost exactly the same moment, that Poet couldn’t hear us very well. We’d been at her specialist only a few weeks previous and at that [...]
In our Pinterest world of pretty pictures and perfected details it’s easy to feel defeated when it comes to children’s crafts and activities. It’s even easier to focus on the [...]
I sent Che off on his first overnight camp today. Another parenting milestone I was hesitant to reach. Personally, I feel like it’s far too early in his school life to be doing this but [...]
I have many conversation about what it’s like to have three children. In fact, it’s quite strange how often I’ve found myself chatting about family dynamics since Percy was [...]
My social media feeds have been flooded with “first day of school” photos this week; sweet, momentous captures of smiling kids and their proud parents. On Monday I witnessed all the [...]
The past few days have been spent indoors while the wind rattled the windows and torrential rain fell. The ground is officially soggy and our moods are much the same. Thank goodness for new art [...]
Reading Christmas books is one of my very favourite ways to herald the festive season. I keep our small collection of Christmas stories with the fairy lights and decorations. For most of the year [...]
Pre-school is a petri dish of germs. And that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Whilst germs can get a bad wrap, they’re actually a vital part of a healthy childhood. Our kids need to [...]
I gave in to temptation whilst packing Poet’s books today and opened a few of my favourites. Beautiful stories and whimsical illustrations; so many of my motherhood memories etched into [...]
after months without it I finally have my beloved 50mm 1.4 lens back (Daniel managed to pull it apart and fix it – a painstaking operation) / Poet wears the cloche hat that I wore in my [...]
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