what’s in my bag

I’ve been carrying the very same workhorse of a handbag for over two years. I give it a good clean out every week because there’s only so many tissues and toy cars and (heaven [...]

hello third trimester

As I near 29weeks I’m conscious of savouring this last trimester…resisting the temptation to count down the days till we meet this mid-winter baby. Regardless of my growing belly (I [...]

MooGoo for baby

I became a mum ten years ago. I was in my early twenties, fumbling my way through, unsure of so much and yet, somehow, taking it feed by feed and day by day. I followed tradition and joined a [...]

autumn sorting

Yesterday morning I served The Humidity an official eviction notice which backfired; the heat was stifling and I felt like I was to blame. Today is cooler and while the clouds still threaten and [...]