My friend Lou was on a roadtrip last week and suggested she pop in on her way back to Melbourne to take some photos of Marigold and I. I’m so grateful she offered because there’s just [...]
An admission: I’m so much more relaxed with my diet in this pregnancy that in previous. That’s not to say that I’m eating badly – not at all! But I made a conscious choice [...]
I’ve spent eight of the past ten years either pregnant or breastfeeding so I consider myself a bit of an expert on what constitutes a comfortable, supportive, essential maternity bra. Bra [...]
I didn’t plan to breastfeed Percy for as long as I have but here we are. I knew that weaning him wasn’t going to be as straight forward as it was with Che and Poet. Percy’s [...]
Last week the exhaustion of long-term breastfeeding finally hit and I’ve been flabbergasted ever since. Much like the malaise of the first trimester or the sheer intensity of contractions, [...]
There’s so much talk about breastfeeding a newborn but not so much about feeding a one-year-old. It’s presumed that it just gets easier and there’s nothing much to discuss but [...]
A lovely reader emailed me recently and asked me about how I encourage Percy to go to sleep. The answer is simple: breastmilk – for as long as he wants it. I know, it doesn’t make [...]
Purchasing flowers when you need an energy boost – I’m not sure if it’s a proven remedy but it’s worth a try, if you ask me. Breastfeeding weariness is a real thing and [...]
Hand a new mum a biscuit when her arms are full of baby and her head is tired and weary and you’ll have a friend for life. Indeed, when it comes to making a new mum happy it’s all [...]
Alternate title: I think I ate too much cake whilst pregnant. I haven’t really spoken about body changes and weight fluctuations in this space before. But now seems as good a time as any to [...]
I really enjoyed creating a capsule collection of pregnancy essentials but I admit, finding inspiring clothes for the post-partum period has been a little trickier. It’s easy to find [...]
I got back on the mat yesterday after a rather long hiatus. I confess that I find it quite difficult to practise at home; very un-zen of me, I know. But when I’m on the mat I look around [...]
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