Right now I’m in the hard stage of babyhood. It’s only taken me four babies to realise that for me, the 6-9month mark is the most challenging. Marigold is expanding and exploring; [...]
Marigold is six months old today. And no, I can’t quite believe it. It feels like it’s been six weeks, maybe a couple of months, and yet here we are, celebrating her half-birthday. [...]
To celebrate the end of the fourth trimester, Marigold has started rolling – and squawking and squealing and giggling. I’m not sure how we got here so fast – birth, newborn, six [...]
When I was pregnant with Marigold I was intent on spending as little money as possible on baby essentials. Granted, I had a few tubs of hand-me-down clothes ready and waiting, our 10-year-old [...]
My friend Lou was on a roadtrip last week and suggested she pop in on her way back to Melbourne to take some photos of Marigold and I. I’m so grateful she offered because there’s just [...]
Because I’m not one to research I haven’t actually looked into the science behind this but…I’d say having four babies and experiencing the same realisation each time is [...]
I haven’t left the house since we came home from hospital and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Fourth time ’round in this newborn bubble and I’m in absolutely no rush to [...]
Our darling littlest one arrived on Monday 24th July in the wee hours of the morning. Her birth was intense and quick after a few days of early-ish labour and she was born en caul – strange [...]
I’m planning on spending a couple of nights in hospital this time ’round. I know a shared room isn’t for everyone but honestly, I really appreciate having the on-call support of [...]
Not to be confused with the second trimester holiday that has cheekily adopted the term, a traditional babymoon is a dedicated period of rest after the birth of your baby. The new mother and her [...]
At the very top of my wardrobe is a storage box full of newborn clothes in shades of white and cream and grey. There’s stripes and spots and pointelle; tiny pieces of clothing to keep the [...]
I have many conversation about what it’s like to have three children. In fact, it’s quite strange how often I’ve found myself chatting about family dynamics since Percy was [...]
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