We’ve had our fair share of ear complications over the years, as so many families with young children will attest. It turns out that issues like swimmers ear, narrow canals and excess wax have [...]
As we venture further into winter I find myself gathering a host of remedies to ensure coughs and colds are kept at bay. I’m pedantic when it comes to warm feet (“put your socks [...]
Last week the exhaustion of long-term breastfeeding finally hit and I’ve been flabbergasted ever since. Much like the malaise of the first trimester or the sheer intensity of contractions, [...]
My biggest concern with going dairy and gluten free was finding the appropriate replacements and filling Poet’s belly with lots of nourishing goodness that she actually enjoys eating. In [...]
Questioning health professionals, seeking second opinions and going with your gut (and your heart) requires strength, time, patience, faith and perseverance – in abundance. I found it all [...]
It’s been windy for the past week; blustery, cold air whipping us all into a frenzy. Put simply, I’m a mess and completely out of sorts – irritable, frazzled, foggy headed and [...]
This past weekend I did my tax. I’ve never been this organised before but thanks to Daniel’s encouragement I set aside a few hours to add up invoices and create a spreadsheet of my [...]
One of the things our new house has in abundance is storage – even in the kitchen. My pantry is a room unto itself with floor to ceiling shelves and a sliding door. It’s a great place [...]
“How can we rest in the stark stillness of the season without grasping for a plan or rushing on to the next big thing?” – The Way of the Happy Woman My fondest winter was [...]
serenity tea and handmade cup from the very generous The Golden Heart Gift Company Every second person is coughing. Or sneezing. Or apologising profusely for their symptoms as they breathe into [...]
Despite the fact that the house is in a state of flux, I’ve been conscious of keeping my seasonal remedies handy, especially now that autumn is here. Instead of preparing for the descent of [...]
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