This morning I walked into the kitchen and was greeted with that autumn light and a clear, clean table. The rest of the house, despite my Sunday evening quick clean, left much to be desired so I [...]
my kitchen aids – styled by stef There is an onslaught of fancy (exorbitantly expensive) kitchen gadgets on the market and almost every cookbook I pick up requires at least one of them. Do [...]
photo by: luisa brimble / a sidewalk garden under a kitchen window in surry hills “Something strange was going on. Tita remembered that Nacha had always said that when people argue while [...]
Since I wrote my post on the wholefood kitchen I’ve immersed myself in what can only be described as an ancient food movement experiencing a renaiisance; a back-to-basics, as nature [...]
In the past few months I’ve been taking a few steps to change the way we eat. Necessary steps for health and well being. When Daniel and I first moved out together we lived in a tiny fibro [...]
There is an undeniable pleasure that comes from watching plants grow; especially the edible variety. At the moment my balcony garden is green and lush, a range of my most-loved herbs and salad [...]
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