bump: in the trees at 22 weeks

One morning a week while Che is at Montessori, Daniel and I go on a date. We don’t spend a lot of money or venture far and wide. We stay close to home, explore new-to-us pockets of places and take photos. Buba tags along. Obviously. Today we wandered in and out of the paper bark trees and listened to the lake flowing. Then I got to bare my white blossoming belly to the world and let buba catch some sunlight. Not far from here is the beach and so we mosied across the sand and ended up in a new little cafe with fresh juice and morning tea. And we felt really lucky.

Muma’s favourite food this week: watermelon, cold from the fridge.
Buba’s favourite food this week: strawberry yoghurt. kick kick. nudge nudge. give me more, please.
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  • Mama Mogantosh

    Bee-ootiful Jodi! That bump is looking so cute. And I'm feeling inspired by your weekly date… Take care. x

  • kelly louise

    The third pic is so special, I love seeing the belly grow. I agree with Mama Mogantosh, your weekly date is very inspiring, as are all of your posts.

  • Little Pinwheel

    you look amazing! what beautiful images xx

  • Gaby

    You look beautiful!

  • Gaby

    Beautiful, beautiful photos. I want to live in your neighborhood!

  • ingrid

    What beautiful images! The coloured one of you walking away down the path is just magical!

  • fliss

    you are so cute…. look at that gorgeous round belly!!!!

  • Kristi

    perfect. perfect. perfect pictures. geez you look so amazing you must feel the same. xx.

  • freckles

    Whereabouts were this gorgeous pics taken? I live at Woy Woy and have only lived here for 5 years and i don't know the area that well yet and i've been wanting to find some beautiful spots for getting a bit a photography in.
    You look absolutely joyous!

  • Squiggly Rainbow

    Beautiful, Beautiful shots! Thanks for stopping by Squiggly xo When is bub due?

  • Claire

    Awww, there's a baby in there! You are very lucky indeed 🙂
    Beautiful photos and beautiful bump!
    Claire x

  • Nell

    Insanely divine pictures. You look so blissful. xx

  • lighteningmyload

    ~wonderful photos
    ~beautiful belly
    ~Celebrating life:0)

  • Z

    these are the most beautiful pregnant photos…. i adore them.

  • O'Melly

    Terrific photos!

    I have some serious baby brain these days, and your baby bump is just melting my heart!

  • Beatriz Craven

    This has to be the coolest series ever. So organic, natural and free. Love it! Congratulations on the baby. Best of luck 🙂

    Hope you are having a wonderful weekend!

    That Girl in Pearls

  • Lil Muse Lily

    those are beautiful pictures. when i was pregnant all i wanted was cold watermelon too!! 🙂

  • claire

    b e a u t i f u l . . . you look soo happy x

  • tea with lucy

    could you be any cuter!?!?

  • LJ

    how lovely. You make me want to be pregnant again. And I HATE being pregnant. LOL

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