bump: autumn dreaming

As hard as I tried I just couldn’t find a leaf as big as the belly. This week baby grew beyond expectations. When I was growing Che my belly was chubby and squishy. This belly right now is the exact opposite: a hard, round, heavy ball with rather persistent whole-body stretches from the little one inside. I regularly feel a foot pressing onto me and I tickle it back. 32 weeks now.

I woke with a sore throat this morning so tomorrow will include a sleep in, vegie soup, nettle tea, lemon water and lots of rest. We as a family are feeling so grateful for our health and wellbeing this weekend. Daniel’s mum was driving Che around this morning when all-of-a-sudden the breaks failed on her car. Thankfully, oh so thankfully, she was going slow and no-one was hurt. Tonight I held him a little tighter and said a few extra ‘i love yous’ while lying next to him as he fell to sleep.
I just cannot articulate how precious my children are to me. All you mothers understand, I know you do. x
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  • Ola

    Oh wow, what a scare. Thank goodness they are ok. You are looking gorgeous. I hope you stay healthy. xxx.

  • Melissa

    Well am I glad you left a comment over at mine today!
    I'm sitting in the car-sans my 3 Kiddos-with rain on the roof reading your past posts on my I-phone!!
    I'm just back from taking the girls horse riding & our son to a sleepover -and now heading back to have a glass of wine and read more!
    As Australians in England-we love to hear of Aussie authors to read-I'm checking amazon for your friends book tonight-sounds brilliant!
    Melissa -miss sew & so
    Ps-you look blooming gorgeous!

  • kristi

    seriously jodi your so cute.

  • one claire day

    So scary! Glad to hear all are safe and sound…

    Loving the autumnal feel of these pictures… but your belly is blooming like springtime 🙂 Lovely!

    x claire

  • Catherine

    I love the photos Jodie, they're beautiful and very precious. I'm so glad to hear Che is ok what an awful scare. I hope you are feeling better today. xo

  • jody

    Glad everyone is ok! hope your having a nice restful day 🙂

  • Jo - Dusty Plum

    Such a beautiful blog Jodi .. lovely to read. Glad we found each other!

  • m.e (Cathie)

    oh I understand Jodi, I sure do!!
    The three of us lay in my bed last night and we cuddled and watched Charlottes Web. I squished them so many times!

    i love that you popped by & i love that you led me to your bit of loveliness.
    hope you are feeling well today & the sore throat is better.

    happy autumn Sunday to you ♥

  • Brave New Fiona

    Thank goodness the rewards of motherhood are worth all the scarey moments a trillion times over! I hope Daniel's mum is ok- would be such a shock to think what could have happened. You and your belly-fruit look beautiful. I'm sure she/he sticks the foot out purely for the purpose of getting a delightful tickle from mumma! xxx

  • mama bear

    Beautiful baby belly Jodi. Rest up and heal that throat. Health is so precious, little scares like this make us stop and think. it's a good thing, when no-one is hurt. xx

  • Lizeylou

    All a little bit scary. But can I add just how gorgeous the photo is of you and your belly – love the leaf – such a cute moment to capture.

  • Nell

    The bump is beautiful. And bless little Che. So happy he's safe and sound xx

  • Luna

    Hi Jodi, thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. By the way that's a gorgeous little boy you have – I've been cruising your blog, I love your phtography. I'll be following 🙂
    Luna X.

  • Gaby

    Beautiful photos as always! And i'm happy to hear that che is alright. That must've been super scary to hear about. xx

  • Rachael

    Gorgeous belly. Makes me think about more babies…xxx

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