brown paper packages

…are best when they’re tied with up with string (go on, sing it, I know you want to). The parcel delivery man has been on our doorstep rather frequently of late as I get all the pressies organised. Che and I have been making our Christmas wrapping paper and I’ll tie each present with red and white twine. Personal, simple, special. Just the way I like it.

The next 10 days are busy, busy as I try to finish all the editorial work that’s due before Christmas. Add into the mix Che’s last week at Montessori, a meeting with a wonderful woman that will hopefully result in plans for a very exciting project, Christmas tree decorating (although I hear our wet winter has led to very small and sad looking Christmas trees), yoga classes and Christmas baking. Whirlwind I know.
I’ll also be posting two book giveaways – one for your children and one for the Mumas (it’s a book every. single. muma. should read).
I hope in the midst of fairy lights, candy canes and deadlines you find some space to “settle in and settle down”.
1. handmade ornaments from the lovely Gwen at fable and folly (via ella at little red caboose)
2. “Poet’s Rabbit” – arrived wrapped in a map and tied with teal string. Melissa custom-made it so beautifully.
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Showing 15 comments
  • Tammi

    Those are a few of my favourite things 🙂
    What a busy week or so you have ahead of you…tread gently none the less.


  • Maxabella

    I'm trying, lovely!

    Of golly gosh I want Poet's rabbit!!! x

  • ::The Beetle Shack::

    Not even I have had a sighting of the ellusive Jodi!

    Hope you are well

    xo em

  • Squiggly Rainbow

    Perfect, how gorgeous! I must say, I wrap up my gifts and sales with brown paper and string – oh so gorgeous! xo

  • one claire day

    Oh the rabbit is just adorable! It's all beautiful. x

  • captain kk

    those linen feathers are simply beautiful. poet is sure to love her "babbit" as my charlie boy says 🙂

  • Nell

    That is a beautiful rabbit. And I'm with you on the brown paper and string front – i have rolls and reels of both lined up for some wrapping time tomorrow.

    Hope your week is full of festive fun, even if it is a little manic! xx

  • Mama of 2 boys

    You DID have me humming along Jodi :o)
    It is busy, crazy, manic… very true. Hence why I'm up at 1am reading blogs… I need my fix ;o)
    Loving your brown paper packages. Take care amidst all the rushing xo

  • thewindhover

    sounds like your busyness is filled with good things Jodi! I just love that TinyHappy bunny (and that handwritten label!) Its strange to imagine Christmas this year – my first outside of Australia. Though my mum tells me its been the coolest and rainiest yet… sounds a bit like Paris at the moment! Blessings x

  • Paislea Elyse

    i am in love with those homemade ornaments!!

    allister bee blog

  • Gaby

    i feel ya, so much teaching and translating this week before everyone goes away for christmas! but we can do it, yes we can 🙂

  • Tania

    Brown paper packages and twine are our favourite wrapping here too. This year we're stamping them with wintry shapes (not so strange considering our weather lately!). I adore that rabbit. Remember seeing them on Tiny Happy.

  • Stella

    It's always so beautiful visiting your blog… That gift for your little one looks so perfect and so thought-filled, and wrapped in the loveliest way. Just as gift-giving should be…

  • Luisa Brimble

    oh my lordy! i've been looking for a little teddy (or comfort teddy) for Poppy. as Beth has one and still takes it with her to bed. the little rabbit is so perfect. i've just checked out her store too so off to buy Pops one.

  • green tea and red nails

    gorgeous! my favourite way to give (and get) presents is wrapped in brown paper… the most exciting they get is maybe a little hint of washi tape 🙂

    love the little rabbit!

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