the boy and the balloon

A red balloon, a smiley face and a piece of ribbon. It’s the simple things that create the most joy in children. It’s good to be reminded of that every so often. Che played with this balloon for a good few hours while we had afternoon tea at a cafe and wandered along the sea wall. It was so good to watch him. I’ve been looking at all of his toys lately with the critical eye of a nesting Muma seeking space. We have always been so careful with the toys that have entered our home and have embraced the wooden, handmade, muma-made kind. But with a Christmas and a birthday each year, regular op-shop visits and special treats from loved ones, the pile has grown/is growing. Does he play with all of them? No, he doesn’t. When I put toys away he doesn’t miss them and when I reintroduce them a few months later it’s like they’re new again. I’m planning a clean out soon. I’ll do it when I’m home alone.

I’m being really constrained when it comes to buying for baby too. We really don’t need much at all for this babe and although the temptation of sweet teeny weeny newborn things are tempting, so far I have resisted. The woman that runs Che’s Steiner playgroup spoke about instant gratification last week. Our children are growing up with everything they could possibly want at their fingertips. And usually they get it right now. Waiting is good for them. Boredom is good for them too – as long as they don’t learn the word bored. Since starting Montessori Che is more likely to wander through the pattern of activity, boredom, find something new to do. He is more immersed in an activity when he has sought it out as opposed to waiting for my guidance. He’s getting good at overcoming boredom, of waiting. He’s developing patience and hence mine is expanding.
Instant gratification lends itself to food too. Because he’s a slight little whippet I used to make him an alternative to the evening meal if he didn’t like it. Not any more. I figure if he’s hungry, he’ll eat. If he doesn’t eat dinner, there’s nothing else till breakfast. If he wants a snack, there’s the fruit bowl or the vegie basket. I’m noticing the words and phrases of past generations seep into my vocabulary. That can only be a good thing.
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  • captain kk

    sweet photos. my little 2yr old girl LOVES the blue balloon she was given on the weekend. i agree that a little no-attention is a good thing for kiddyliwinks.. i can see how great it has been for developing my daughter's own free play & imagination. i felt the same about not going crazy with new stuff for our 2nd baby, but you'll be surprised how little things seem to find their way home 🙂

  • ecoMILF

    great thoughts. thank you for sharing. che is growing up so big. i still haven't sent your box but i bought it today (the box! lol) and have all the stuff ready to fill it…. next mission- the post office with the little ones. may take another week to get the courage! xo m.

  • tea with lucy

    you have such a wonderful way of articulation my very thoughts on, well, just about everything.

    i've been so quick to pass on baby stuff this time round. clothes and toys and bouncers and bumbos …. so much stuff stuff stuff. can't get it out off the house fast enough! (even though i am still optimistic about one day convincing sam about a number 3)

  • Jules

    you're lucky Jodi, when the words and phrases of my previous generations seep into my vocab I know it's time to stop and find the truth in my parenting. Walking the conscious parenting path is a constant lesson in letting go and healing.

  • Gaby

    He looks so happy with that balloon, it's sweet. Even though I don't have a baby on the way,I'm also feeling that urge to de-clutter. I've only been in Sydney for 2 and a bit years, but it's amazing how quickly we accumulate things, so many of which we don't even need. Thanks for the inspiration. x

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