book love (& friends)

Daniel remembers when he was little and he would fall asleep with a book open across his face – because he loved the scent of the pages. I read to Ché when he was in the womb and at our recent trip to the ashram, while reading to him before breakfast, we were joined by a couple of swamis who sat, quite happily, listening to Emily and Daisy. “I can’t remember the last time I heard a mother read a book to her child,” one man said. It was one of those moments I’ll cherish and it really spoke wonders of the beauty and the preciousness of storytelling, of stories.

Daniel is in Melbourne for the week, drinking good coffee and watching the Australian Open. Ché and I spent an hour in our local bookshop today to quell the melancholy of ‘Dada gone’. Perhaps that’s a little dramatic but we are so so missing him. I worked in bookshops for 7 years and it is a job I miss. I loved knowing the insider goss on publication dates, new writers to watch, which books were becoming surprise bestsellers. I even started talking to a customer in the store today because I missed that interaction with strangers who had a passion for words (so many of the strangers I met in bookshops later became friends). I’m reading this at the moment (loving it) and picked up this today…I can’t wait to start. Ché chose:

which is one of those books that will stay with us for years because of it’s beautiful reminder:

“Hive, bee, wings, hum
Husk, cob, corn, yum!
Tomato blossom, fruit so red
All the world’s a garden bed.”&

slightly less memorable but cute all the same.
After the shops we headed to the park where I sat happily reading while Che went up and down, up and down the slide, occasionally pointing out: “Mum, look, a boy!” The said boy was a little alarmed at Ché’s enthusiasm but to me it was gorgeous. He loves his little, sweet friends and wants to have a playmate around daily. Perhaps a permanent new friend may come along sometime soon.
Speaking of friends, yesterday I was so honored to meet and teach Anna, her belly and her husband, Chris. They traveled up from Sydney to do a 3-hour private birth preparation class with me and it was a thoroughly enjoyable afternoon. That little bub of theirs will be welcomed into such open arms and loving hearts. Blessings Rummey Bears for your homebirth….I can’t wait to hear about baby bear’s arrival.
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  • Ariad

    it's good to hear there is someone else who loves the smell of books! I love wandering around book stores, I can see why you miss your old job.

  • ladybug-zen

    mmmm, book love! we know it well!

  • Leanne

    Books books books….ahh yes!! That second novel sounds divine….just my type….you must review it when you are done!

  • mama bear

    I just posted about this too! Thanks Jodi, it was a joy to meet and learn from you. I can't wait to be able to share my own birth experience.
    Anna x
    PS. I saw a girl reading a book in a cafe the other day, and she stopped and lifted it to her face and gave a huge inhale. It just made my heart sing.

  • Rach

    Oh yes, we are a family of book lovers too. Of teachers and writers and collectors of those wonderful things.

    With Minnie, we have now finished reading 'Charlotte's Web' and as I sit and type, I can hear Steve reading a chapter of 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory' to the sleepy girl. We too read to her before she was born and everyday since. It is one of the greatest gifts you can give a child – the love of books.

  • The Little Mama

    Oh we are all serious book-lovers as well. Right now we are delving into the world of classic fairy stories. Love.

  • emma

    I'm reading the enchanted wood to willow at the moment. I read it to fin when w was too young to remember, so now it's his turn. Funny how fin feigns disinterest, but then sits close by while I'm reading. Jasper is devouring books too, can't get enough of them. I've always read to them, can't imagine not doing it. Hope you're not pining too much…must come over soon. xx

  • sk

    I absolutely LOVED the Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society! I was so sad when it was over…

    I just discovered your blog and I really like it!

  • Erin

    Oh how I love books, and also your beautifully organized bookshelf. 🙂

  • 西瓜歌


  • Lou@weheartbooks

    Che chose some beautiful, beautiful books. The Terrible Plop is actually based on a Tibetan myth. I must look out for The House in Via Manno it looks wonderful and has a stunning jacket.

  • Meagan @ecoMILF

    Thanks for the book recommendations! They look fun. I also absolutely love reading, not just the adventure, but the whole feeling of sitting down with a cup of tea, a cozy blanket, a cushion and escaping from everything else. Mmmm. xo m.

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