blog refresh

As this blog celebrates its eighth birthday I’ve succumbed to the fact that I really need to make it a bit more practical. I’ve come this fair without concerning myself too much with the technical side of blogging because, let’s face it, it hasn’t been a priority. But that all changed a few months ago when I got a lovely email from a long-time reader. She wanted to find a post that I’d written a few years ago and thanks to her eloquent description I knew exactly which one she was referring to. Trouble was, even I couldn’t find it. Cue search for a web designer and pooling the funds to make a redesign actually happen.

As I type, a shift over to wordpress and a redesign is underway. Subsequently, I’m flicking through over seven years of blog posts, reminiscing as I go. I’m reading over my early days of motherhood and recalling the challenges – the wondering, the not-knowing, the second guessing. Marvelling at much the children have grown and feeling like it’s all gone by so fast. Grateful for the record – everyday stories that I’ll hold close for many years to come.

Much like home, it feels like the blog is in need of a virtual spring clean. A good tidy-up and reorganise to refresh and renew, bringing older stories to the surface and finding inspiration in the archives. The new site will be much like the current with the added benefit of themed tabs – home, seasons, motherhood, yoga, pregnancy, lifestyle, photography – and a more spacious layout.

If there are any particular posts that you would like to see more of, please let me know! I usually just write what’s on my mind but I’m open to a bit of feedback every now and then.

I wouldn’t be able to do this if it weren’t for you visiting, reading, commenting and sharing. So a heartfelt thank you, from me to you.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

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  • michelle

    I do like the use of your tags – body, food, home, life and parenting. I find these the perfect way to sort through posts on a single topic. 🙂

  • manondo

    Thank you! Keep writing what's on your mind…the universe makes it synchronised so it's exactly what I need to read. Thanks to your authenticity. Best of luck with the switch.

  • Amanda K.

    i also love re-reading my old blog posts and remembering my early days of motherhood. such a wild, precious time. even if blogging isn't your full-time gig or if you barely have any readers, it's worth it for the family record it creates.

    i tried to find a recent post of yours and also couldn't find it — looking forward to maybe more search options? either way, i'm excited to see your redesign.

    • Jodi

      Yes, a search option will be included! x

  • Cam

    Would love to hear more about your daily rituals & what your self care practices are.
    I'm new to this blog so you may have written about this topic before. Loving your posts by the way, keep it up xx

    • Jodi

      Noted! And thank you! x

  • Torrie

    I was actually trying to find out any posts you've written on your photography background, but I was unable to, so any way that you could bring those down to a list of posts you've done or have a list of the posts by subject would be awesome.

    I've actually been following your blog for months and months now (maybe over a year?), and this might be the first time I've commented. If it is, let me just thank you for the inspiration you've given me on so many fronts–on being a mom, on being a woman who knows what's important and seeks it out, and on being a creative type who is willing to share her insights with others. I love this space you've created!

    • Jodi

      I don't really have a photography background….it was more a case of picking up a camera and taking lots of photos! But more photography-related posts are on their way. And thank you for your kind words x

  • Laura Johns

    cant wait to see the new look! I often refer back to your posts I have read previously 🙂 thank you for your inspirational and beautiful blog.

  • Meg O

    Hello Jodi
    I have been an enthusiastic follower (albeit quiet!) of your blog since Che was a wee one. Over that period I have been consistently inspired by your narratives and style. I too have noted that it's difficult to locate your older posts, and look forward to seeing the blog reformat. WordPress is a great choice – so many options.
    I thoroughly enjoy pretty much everything you write about; series/topics that stand out for me are the simple home posts, visits to your naturopath, Montessori-inspired views, yoga, gift guides… The list goes on. And it's always nice to see you in front of the camera – your style posts are few and far between but always lovely.
    Thank you for continuing to blog!

    • Jodi

      More style posts coming soon – shooting next Friday! They're always a bit tricky to organise but I've scheduled photographers etc for the next few months so they'll be more frequent x

  • katiecrackernuts

    Eight years for me too and I have just this week commissioned a local group to help me move over to WordPress and refresh my blog too. I have thought long and hard about whether I'd go on. My little blog doesn't make me any money so expenditure on what is effectively a hobby seems so ludicrous but I came to the conclusion that it brings me so much pleasure, and my investment over eight years is not bad as far as some hobbies go.

  • Emily S.

    I would like a month-by-month archive option. I had been going back through your entire blog page by page, but it was becoming tedious!

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