monday – still summery

Two balloons can help create hours of imaginative play. See Kyrie’s inspiring un-toys list here.

The response to my last post on pregnancy loss has been amazing. To those of you that have left a comment describing your experience…thank you for being brave enough to share your story. I’m sorry for your loss and I hope you can find comfort in the words and stories of others. I’ll leave the comments open for another day. Tomorrow I will randomly pick 5 numbers out of the hat – I trust that the people chosen are the ones that really need to read Zoe’s book.


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Showing 6 comments
  • Sally

    I carry un-inflated balloons in my handbag & purse for emergency out and about play material. Won't leave home without them!

  • Katy

    Oh i love un toys! Ballons are a hit around here too – is it just me or is Che getting taller every week?

  • mama bear

    Oooh – what a great idea. I love it, especially the jar lids (think I like the sounds of the popper on the top!)

    Can't wait to meet Che one day, will have to bring a little friend up to visit you later in the year x

  • The Little Mama

    Oh, your beach and sunshine is beckoning me!

    Balloons are a big deal around here too. Endless fun (unless they are accidentally released, that is).

  • childhood magic

    Your photos are always so precious. Love!

  • Meagan @ecoMILF

    Thanks for the untoys list. Can't wait to have some fun! xo m.

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