because I knew you would ask…

the daffodil-yellow bonnet is the handiwork of a clever little knitter known as dover and madden. Unfortunately my knitting skills don’t extend beyond a basic cast-on, knit, change colours, knit, cast-off repertoire. For now I’m getting quite good at tying up the bonnet and emphasising the importance of wearing such an adorable hat.

“She doesn’t understand what you’re saying,” says Daniel.
“I know, but it makes me feel better if I explain it to her.”

Poet rips the hat off again and laughs.

She’s all tongue-sticking-out (see last photo) blush-cheeked, fired-up cuteness this week. She’s ready to rumble and, quite literally, tumble her way around. Daniel and I, we’ve parented before, but this time it’s a completely different ride.

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  • Michelle

    The cutest lil' hat wearer I ever did see.

  • Lila

    It's one of my greatest joys as a parent, how different each of my babies are.

  • Maxabella

    I think they really do understand. Language is not just verbal. Sweet bonnet! x

  • jade

    I knew that was vickis handiwork the moment I spotted it! We have a few of her creations. Poet looks oh so cute xx


    Absolutely beautiful photos… the softeness, the light is just divine. She is such a sweetie. Enjoy Tasmania and its chill x C

  • Bungalowgirl

    Oh she is just beautiful, and all eyes. they do understand everything you know. When my first was 10 months old I asked him where the tigers nose was and he pointed to it. And girls, they are a whole other experience. My little minx is 3 going on 30. She was out with her nonna today, who offered her own cardigan to my girl who was cold. To which my just 3 year old replied, no Nonna, what if someone sees me! Perhaps because it wasn't pink? Enjoy every moment. melx

  • Tammi

    I thought I recognised the handy work of Vicki…love her designs!

  • Andrea

    Beautiful. The colour goes so well with her eyes x

  • fast times in münchen.

    Oh my…Poet is simply divine. Those eyes! xx

  • M. Bloom

    The photos of your lovely children are so very… lovely. And your comment about a "completely different ride" with babe #2… My second is also quite the rumble-tumble fellow — very different from his brother. The contrasts are so interesting and so very much fun!

    Happy rumble-tumbles to you —

  • Tania

    Perfectly adorable! Very special. Violet is the same. Will absolutely never keep her hat on (or socks for that matter). Makes me feel like a negligent parent at times.. bare feet and bare head for her most of the time. But we can manage to keep the Little Betty bonnets on that I made for her. Bonnets are the only way to go with those that won't wear hats. And I don't think there's anything cuter than a baby in a bonnet.

  • Reply

    Hee hee, her little tongue!

  • one claire day

    very sweet. love the little tongue!

    Lalie is a hat hater, too. makes it very difficult as the Sun up here is very harsh! xx

  • Megan

    I was pretty sure that was Vicki's beautiful work!! Love her dimple hats!

  • Jane

    joy! you are a bit ahead of me in the knitting skills. Poet is just beautiful. have a great week. Jane x

  • eat my shorts

    Sigh. Too cute for the internet. I know what you mean about knitting, I have a cowl I've been working on for a year that is supposed to be a present for a friend, but I can't remember how to cast off, so it's sitting unfinished waiting for me to be bothered to ask my mum how to do it (again!)

  • Briar {Sunday Collector}

    Your baby could be famous she is so ridiculously cute!! Love the yellow too, I might have to purchase! Briar x

  • Fleur Cotton

    Beautiful Hat in an adorable shade (pretty cute baby too!!)

    Fleur xx

  • fliss

    So gorgeous Poet is, ridicously cute really!!!!!
    Love the Dover and madden hat, we had one too and Art ended up loving it…..keep up the explaining to her. She'll get it one day! X
    Will email you soon.X

  • Catherine

    Oh my Jodi, Poet looks like a little doll, she really is so very cute. I do love that cheeky little tongue poking out too, oh the second ones are full of character and spirit, my second daughter sure does. xx

  • Vicki

    Hi Jodi, I didn't equate your purchase to this blog, and when I popped in today just to read any new posts I was well suprised!! I think you ended up making a good choice with the yellow and I now understand why the remaining Dimple Hat in my Etsy store has been hearted by so many people….looks like I'm going to have to knit more yellow Dimple Hats….or maybe just more hats!!

    I will add the pattern is not one of my original designs, it was originally a dire 1970's knit pattern, but I saw the potential….a bit of an update on colour and yarn makes all the difference….and Poet just looks like a little doll, she wears it well. Thanks Vicki @ dover & madden x

  • hello milky

    I have been waiting for these dimple hats to pop up in Vicki's etsy shop. I'm desperate to get one for Gus for winter. Isn't Poet just the perfect model? Cute, cute.
    Jess x

  • Levin

    Lordy, she is one adorable girl.
    oh and the hat is cute too 🙂

  • Lizeylou

    Could Poet be any cuter … if only these gorgeous hats would fit my kids!!

  • tamaraerbacher

    A perfect hat for an even more perfect model;) xxt

  • jody

    Jodi, her eyes are stunning. Sweet Poet you are so beautiful, just like your mama. x

  • kyrie

    Oh that face!!

  • Julie

    Beautiful little button and possibly the butteryest shade of yellow.

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