
A while back Che decided that he wanted to snooze in our bed, snug between us all through the night. He was unsettled in his cot and I was exhausted from getting up to him. So for a few months he has been sleeping in our bed and we have felt so privileged to have him there. It was so nice to go to bed and cuddle with our baby boy. But some things only last so long and last week I noticed that Che needed more room. He had a few unsettled nights, feeding frequently and generally not ‘happy’ when he woke in the morning.

I thought perhaps he had reached the stage where he wanted his own space to sleep. I thought it was going to be difficult to get him back into the routine of sleeping in his cot. But the last few nights after cuddles, a story and some milk he has drifted off to sleep in his cot and slept through the night. We play a lullaby rendition of The Eagles to help him relax. Daniel thinks it’s a bit strange that Che falls to sleep listening to ‘Tequila Sunrise’ but I suppose it’s just the result of having an 60s rocker as your Grandad.

I truly believe that each family has to find their own way, find their own balance. Months ago we could have kept him in his cot and ignored his obvious need to be close to us. We could have listened to the beliefs of so many people around us who seemed so horrified by the idea of co-sleeping. Instead we enjoyed night after night of peaceful sleep as a family. And we continue to enjoy a beautiful full sleep again. We all feel happy. We all feel balanced.

Me…I find so much comfort in finding my own way as a Mum. Che sleeping through the night feels like I have reached another phase of Mothering. Knowing this has made me realise that intuitive parenting is the best way for me. To listen to my little one and do what I believe is best for him. Balance can also be found in beautiful Japanese tea cups…even better if they’re full of tea. Especially this.

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  • alexandra

    I would LOVE to co-sleep, but I just can’t, I don’t sleep well and wind up cranky! But I admire those who can do it and love it. I wish I was one of those.

  • kate

    Oh thats such a nice post! I dont have children yet even already I hear so many people thinking they know whats best and how to be a mother, even people without children, and its so nice to hear you talk about finding your own way.
    I love the cups, I have a serious tea drinking problem, which means I have a serious teacup purchasing problem. Cannot resist a nice cup!

  • 13mimosa

    Ella shared our bed from the age of around 1 until around 2.5 from the hours of around 1am until getting up. We swore we would never do it again, although there are easy nights, more are disturbed. However …… Leila is now 18 months and we all snuggle down together from around 1am when she’s unwell and from 5am when she’s well (which is ideal). Add into the mix Ella’s been having a phase of bad dreams and you’ll understand my strong DESIRE for a king size bed. The other night I had one foot on the ground to keep from falling and Geoff had no doona! It’s so short lived though and you do what you need to do to get through – that’s my motto!

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