
Everything smells like milk.

Precious and fleeting, these newborn days roll into each other as Percy slowly unfurls. We spent his first week in bed and while he slept I drank tea and ate cake; essential ingredients for an enjoyable babymoon.

We are so blessed with two sets of doting grandparents who have been here every second day; washing, tidying, ferrying the kids to school and making sure the evening meal is ready when hunger strikes. Poet’s preschool organised a two-week meal roster for us which began today – two weeks of nutritious meals made with love. Indeed, we are lucky.

For now and the next while, I’ll take it slowly. Whilst my body has recovered well, I’m still tender and tired. I’m resting while I can because all too soon, we’ll be full-swing into our new kind of normal.

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  • Vicki Doak

    So glad you have that support around you. A caring community can be so nurturing during these times and everyone deserves that during recovery and nothing can be more precious than you getting to focus on your newborn Percy x

  • Kathy

    I love the tiny little bubs and he does look as if he wouldn't have minded staying curled up inside a little longer. Adorable and resting up is the key. Regards Kathy A, Brisbane

  • Angela

    'unfurl' – that captures it beautifully!

  • Sharolyn Newington

    What a sensible way to start out. I think I will try and aim for this too – plenty of time in bed together with tea and cake. Just what the doctor ordered! So wonderful to do life in community. How wonderful to have so many helpful people around you all. Grace and Peace.

  • Ariana

    So precious. x

    timothy + ariana

  • Snappystreet

    Congratulations, and be sure to saviour this special time!

  • Ronnie

    Oh…. how I miss those newborn days. Thanks for sharing these precious snippets with us.
    Ronnie xo

  • CB

    Oh that tiny scrunched up sleeping baby- a pure delight! Congratulations to you all- such a joy!

  • Lamb Loves Fox

    I'm glad you got a nice photo of those beautiful flowers cause my freelensing effort was a disaster.

  • Heather

    All just so lovely. Rest and soak it all in, sounds delightful. So glad that you are being well taken care of at your house.

  • Megan J. Miller

    So many congratulations from this side of the world. I just love that last photo of the both of you. Glad you are enjoying these precious moments.

  • Jacquelyn | lark&linen

    These photos are making my heart burst. Congratulations! Good for you for soaking it all in. I hear it goes fast 😉

  • Bobbi Huffman

    Congratulations! Savor every moment since they go way too fast!

  • Natalie Britton

    Just stunning! What a wonderful support system you have, too. I'm so glad that you get to revel in every moment of the baby moon! What a blessing.

    Circus & Bloom

  • Mama Ash Grove

    oh how lovely, congratulations! we are expecting our baby's arrival too, very soon. Seeing your little newborn just gives me the thrills, as I imagine holding my own soon.

  • Mammasaurus

    What a lovely thing for the preschool to organise, being part of a caring community makes such a difference. I love that term 'unfurls', I'm imagining the new ferns of the year with their fronds slowly unfurling. Natural and beautiful. Percy is gorgeous, enjoy that milk smell while it lingers x

  • Sarah

    That last photo is just beautiful! I'm so happy for all of you….a new home, a new baby, it all sounds glorious. And aren't grandparents invaluable?!

    Enjoy yourselves! xo

  • Kim

    Beautiful! That last photo makes me want to a have a fourth! Rest up and enjoy. xx

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