baby #4
I’ve been keeping this delightful secret close for a few months now.
On our final three days in Bali, three different Balinese women gestured to my belly and asked me about my baby. I laughed off their suggestions and told them that no, there was no baby. When the third woman shared the same perplexed look as the previous two, I had an inkling that perhaps they were right.
Two whole weeks passed before I got a positive pregnancy test which can only mean one thing: I crossed paths with three of the most intuitive women on the island.
I’m just coming out of the first trimester, I’m starting to catch glimpses of energy (so elusive these past few months) and now that I’m ready to share the news my belly has popped out too.
Yesterday Daniel and I watched our littlest love dance on the ultrasound screen and we marvelled at the feeling of joy and overwhelm and gratitude that filled the room. Regardless of how many children you have, the miracle of a baby growing in your belly never ceases to amaze.
We’ll welcome this baby in mid-winter (so very close to Poet’s birthday) and once again I’ll do everything in my power to ensure a two-week babymoon is realised; time in bed to rest and recover and establish a beautiful rhythm with baby. It’s what’s most important to me as a new mum and I know, from experience, that such sacred time heals me physically, mentally and emotionally in preparation for the intensity of the first year.
Of course, I’ve got so much more to say, (so much more to ask! – this is our closest age gap by over one year!) but for now it’s my bedtime.
Congratulations on your news what a lovely surprise and the Bali women….wow that is so interesting. PS…I’ve just printed my 3rd Blurb book for The 52 Project and starting my 4th year. My kids are 13 and nearly 11 and I still marvel at what they are into and how much they grow year upon year. The book has shipped so I can’t wait for it to arrive.
Such beautiful news. My son was born about a month after Percy and it has been a joy sharing your stories over that time. How wonderful to be adding a new member to your family xx
Such great news and how special with these women in Bali! Having a 4th is such a joy. Here there were always the 2 eldest vs. the smallest but with the 4th there has become more unity or something. I have friends with 6 and 7 children who told me that from 4 kids on, you really have a big family, where 3 is just an extended version of 2 kids… After 14 months with 4 I think they are absolutely right, but to see how the baby (she stays the baby) is adored, played with and loved by the others… it’s so great <3 Wish you a very good pregnancy, hope your energy will be back soon!
Oh I just had such a tingle of excitement for you! What wonderful news xxxx
Many blessings.
I am so over the moon for you! I never wanted odd numbers eg 1, 3 so think 4 sounds divine! (Husband did not agree so 2 it is for us). I think of a ramble of kids rushing to the van after a beach run, big dinners under the stars… just lovely. By the way i had an odd inkling too! Take care of yourself.
Oh Jodi what amazing news. And those Balinese women….wow. You will be an amazing mother to this one no doubt with grit and so much grace. What a blessing. xx
Oh wow, congratulations!!! How lovely. Xo
Congratulations, Jodi! My heart is so happy to hear this!!
Ronnie xo
how great and exciting is that! i’m just starting to think about our 3rd one, 4…it makes me dream!
(And for short gaps i’m an expert, my 2 firsts are 1 year and 1 week apart!! : ))
such blessing news! congratulations!
Oh I am so excited!!!!! Hooray! xxx
Eep! So exciting. As I read your wonderful news, our third decided to kick with such force I think I’d have seen it if I was looking at my belly.
Our eldest two are 23 months apart and, all going well, there’ll be 25 months between the youngest two. Potentially, if it behaves similarly to its brothers, we could have three under four for a short time.
I love your two week baby moon plans. Such a precious time.
Ah what lovely news! For some reason I was thinking about you being pregnant the other day. Best wishes for an easy pregnancy xx
I was so happy knowing this today! Congratulations Jodi, a family of six is just lovely.
How intriguing the fact of the Balinese women…it really makes you think…
Such brilliant, lovely news. Congrats! I feel any and all age gaps have challenges and blessings. We have 3 – each being 19months apart. We closed the door on having anymore (bit sad about it – but it is what it is) but It will be such a joy watching life with 4 via the blog. Warmest wishes for the coming months.
I’m so happy for you all. And like I said on Insta- four kids is great! If I was younger I’d probably have a few more! And a small age gap is both challenging & fantastic. My youngest two are 12 months & 11 days apart, they fight like lunatics but also have an amazing bond that I hope lasts forever.
All the best xx
Congratulations!! 🙂
I had three children very close together and then a 10 year break and my fourth came along. My 10 year old at the time was ecstatic that I had another baby because he had always thought a baby brother/ sister would be the best thing. I have loved having four and I am amazed everytime how much room your heart has for them. They all have a very close relationship with each other and the age gap (small and large) has never mattered. What matters is the way you teach them to love and understand one another. It brings me such joy to see them all loving each other So much. So huge congratulations to you and your family. I couldn’t recommend 4 children enough. I probably would have had more except a granddaughter came along which is just as fabulous and so our family continues to grow too. Xxx
Congratulations! You’re such an amazing mom I’m so thrilled for you and for this little baby that will be joining such a wonderful family. Thank you for documenting all of these moments here.
Congratulations! so happy for you <3
Such exciting news, congratulations again Jodi! xo
Oh congratulations! All the best for you and your loves xox
Wonderful wonderful news Jodi – so thrilled for your family x
Congratulations Jodi! Four little people make us rich. Tired, yes, but so rewarding. May your next months of pregnancy continue smoothly, right to the end xx
Félicitations. Wonderful news. Contemplating the possibility of three. Love the idea of four. You are a wonderful mom and a fourth one will benefit not just from your love but the love of every member of the family. That’s lotsa love!
Congratulations! Now the weaning makes even more sense 🙂
Congratulations! Percy and my son Cecil are born on the same day, and I am also pregnant and due mid-July. Maybe the same day again!
Oh congratulations!! What an exciting surprise for you :). xx
You know it’s funny, I’m just in the night weaning/ on my god I’m so tired stages with my 16 month old and although I have always been absolutely amendment that I do NOT want a third baby… I’ve noticed these little pangs of envy lately when I hear somebody else is pregnant. Hmmm maybe I need to tell my husband to hold off on the vasectomy ;).
Such lovely news, congratulations Jodi. And I love that those Balinese women just knew – magical. x
So thrilled for you! Congratulations!
Such wonderful news! And what a blessing to have met two so incredibly intuitive women!
I too am pregnant (very early at 9 weeks) but this will be my first child. I’m actually super excited that you and a couple of my other favourite bloggers are pregnant because I know this will very much shape your writing over the next 6 months! Do you mind if I ask a few questions? I know you have done some wonderful sharing about parenting but I’d love to learn about some real beginner things like – how did you manage morning sickness (if you had it) & fatigue, diet, self care, exercise (pregnancy yoga tips?) etc throughout pregnancy. What books would you recommend? Do you have tips for that first year of baby’s life such as about breastfeeding & then introducing solids, did you make your own baby food? I think I subscribe to many of the same values & principles you seem to share about on your blog, and I love that most of all you are about simplicity! Not sure what you’re planning to share over this year but very excited to share the journey along with you!
It was so delightful to see this come up on Instagram the other day. I’ve loved reading your blog since before Miss Poet was born. My daughter Eve is a month younger than Percy and so the last almost two years of posts have been uncannily well timed 🙂 hope your energy is returning and it’s a safe and healthy pregnancy xx