at the movies with pi
Daniel is a movie buff with an unashamed passion for film. Me? Given the choice I will always choose a Romcom; I like the happy/light/sweet guarantee – simple and uncomplicated.
We have a projector and big screen in our loungeroom so it’s rare that we justify a trip to the cinema. But Life of Pi in 3D was a good enough excuse (it’s regarded as the best 3D film since Avatar) so Mama took the kids to the library and the park whilst we went to the flicks – mid-morning, so sophisticated.
I’ll admit that I love the novelty of going to “the movies”, I love buying popcorn and lemonade, i love switching off for a few hours without the distraction of a crying baby or a pile of dirty dishes. Whenever the teenage attendant rips my ticket I remember all those faded pieces of paper in my wallet when I was younger – proof of a good social life, or so I thought. While we waited for the curtain to part Daniel and I talked about childhood trips to the cinema. My mum always brought popcorn and sandwiches from home. Daniel’s dad always lied about his age or hid him in the back seat at the drive-in.
As the lights dimmed and I put on those dorky glasses, I escaped into one of my most-loved stories (I always read the book before seeing the film adaptation). Life of Pi had me at the opening scene with its vivid colour and traditional Indian soundtrack. It’s a mesmerising film and Pi, well, he’s unforgettable.
Tell me, what’s your favourite cinema memory? (I’m expecting first kiss stories!)
photo by daniel
For my husband's birthday this past summer, I surprised my him with a trip to the drive in movie. We saw The Amazing Spiderman (he's a huge Marvel comics fan) and had homemade turkey burgers and baked fries. It was a wonderful night and he was so excited.
I have no movie-related first kiss story. Most of the movies I have seen in my lifetime were with my gay best friend by my side. There was no kissing involved there. 🙂
My best,
Jo Farmer
Oh, no! I saw Life of Pi the other day and the 2D time suited me better so I went with that. Can't believe I might have missed the best 3D film since Avatar (which I didn't see either…)
Going to the movies on my own is one of my favourite things in the world to do. It's one of the things I miss most about the pre-baby days, though I have some very fond memories of the mums and bubs sessions on a Tuesday morning with my newborn xx
BTW, I loved Life of Pi regardless of the number of Ds 😉
I can't imagine that it would be any less beautiful in 2D. The reason it is so good in 3D is because the screenplay was written as a 3D film instead of it being a tacked-on effect. In the beautiful 'layered' pool scenes the 3D really was astounding x
Moonlight cinema in the Melbourne Botanical gardens – a big picnic, lots of friends, wine, Bats flying overhead. Microcosmos playing. Divine. I'm looking forward to seeing the life of Pi … and the hobbit, and les mis and the sapphires! Last year we didn't watch any movies at the cinema, this year I'm struggling to choose just one!
Loved life of Pi, (book & movie)- the movie was so beautiful to look at- i also loved the opening scenes, so magical.
I still need to read the book. 😉 I've been hearing wonderful review of the movie. As for my childhood movie memories: popcorn with tons of warm, fake butter-stuff and Snowcaps. I loved going to the movies as a kiddo, and now I love to take my little ones.
I loved going as a kid too. Che hasn't been to the cinemas yet…we're going to take him in the next few weeks as a little treat before he starts school x
my favourite cinema experience would be my first time going to the movies when i was about 12 – I went with my Girl Guide leader, she was about five years older than me, and well, she was like a big sister. we bought popcorn and chatted…the movie was The Bodygard…I simply LOVED it…the music, the story – everythings. The life of Pi is on our "to see" list but with young kids we don't often get to the flicks, but I hope we do xx
A couple of nights after I met Regan he invited me to come to see a movie with a group of friends. I really liked him but just thought he was being nice. When I got there he just happened to pay for my ticket and we sat by ourselves in our own row. It wasn't until well after we had dated for a while that he admitted that he told people he was going on a date with me that night unbeknownst to me! 🙂
Haven't seen this movie yet…i love the books over the movie too…wonder if I should hold off to read first. xxx
funny, I had a break from mamahood yesterday too and went to see life of pi with my mum…i devoured the book many years ago and had almost forgotten the story (love that!). ang lee is a master and it sure was a tricky book to adapt. i think i wanted to like the film a bit more but the fantasy/surreal sequences kind of jarred with me. richard parker was breathtaking x
(my fondest memory is going to the the little arthouse cinemas, electric shadows, in town. you walked down 2 flights of stairs and your film either screened in the red or blue theatres (with coloured coordinated seats, carpets, curtains, ticket stubs – the old carnival types). the rows of squishy vinyl seats went for miles, and the choc tops had ice cream right down to the bottom of the cone)
I thought the intense scenes would jar me…but I found the beautiful, lyrical pace that was established in the opening stayed throughout the entire film. It was an incredibly sensitive adaptation, authentic too (I loved the watching Pi's family as they ate their food, moving it around the plate with their hands, and the way Pi played the drum as the Indian girls danced).
And THAT Paris pool scene. Gasp! The hat! x
My husband didn't want to see this movie but, to me it looks fascinating. I'm glad to hear positive reviews! I'm going to have to convince him to see it with me ; )
my mother did the same. pretzels, candy, even beverages. haha, still to this day when she goes, she'll throw a bottle of water in her bag and a little snack. too funny. i grew up thinking we were the only ones doing this…i'm comforted now knowing we were not.
I love your blog and have been an avid reader for a year or so now! This might be the first time I comment though…although I have a nearly 1-year-old baby and could be a blogging mama, the only blog I write is a movie one with my husband. A couple years ago I got the idea that we could write about each film we watched without reading the other one's text and then publish the little reviews together. We were watching a film almost every night and it seemed like a lot of time spent and emotions experienced with nothing left the next morning. I thought recording our cinema experience would also highlight some things from our relationship… Here's the blog:
Last year we were a lot less active on the blog due to the life changing arrival of our son. There has been a lot less time for films…
Anyway, somehow I thought this related. I haven't seen Pi yet, but we'll have to review it I'm sure.
I feel out of the loop. I didn't even know The Life of Pi was offered in 3D.
I don't know if I've had any really awesome movie experiences. I mean, great movies seen at the theater, sure. I guess a special one that stands out was going to see Wall-E with my husband and two kids. It was the younger one's first trip to a theater and he was just over 1. He didn't last long before he wanted to nurse and then fell asleep, but it's still a special memory. Especially because my husband is also a huge movie buff, so sharing movies with our kids is a big deal, and this is probably the first one we "shared."
Life of Pi was gooood. But still doesn't come close to my favourite memory which happened TODAY when we took our two little girls to see their very first movie at the 'cinnamon.' It was Tinkerbell, and they were mesmerized by it almost as much as the popcorn 🙂
two little girls and tinkerbell, how sweet x
When I was 13 my best friend was hit by a car and was not expected to survive. She spent a long time in hospital and in rehab. Her first outing was for the two of us to go see "Beaches". I still remember how long it took her to walk up the stairs and how determined she was to do it.
…and then you watched Beaches! What an emotional day x
I don't have one fave film experience, but I lived in Cairns about 11 years ago and my friends and I used to ride our bikes to the cinema for Tight-Arse-Tuesday every week, so I got to see LOTS of movies for $5 and have lots of fun– good times. I'm about to lose any dubious literary cred I may have here, by saying I didn't really like Life Of Pi the book (I know, I know!) so I've been undecided about going to see the film, although it does look spectacular… glad you got a date in xx
You will love the music and the saris Nic…but most of all you will love Pi's spirit x
That book is soooo good. The closest theatre is not all that close to our town so i have not been to the movies in years. but i would travel to see pi.
i dont have a specific experience, but like you savour memories of popcorn and icy sodas, malt balls, and sour lollies. everything tastes better in a dark, cool theatre.
xx ashley
oh yes hiding in the back seat at the drive in which brings the movie 'big wednesday' to mind.
Late to the party but I just saw the movie today. Wow… not what I expected at all. Reluctantly saw it in 3d because of the timeframe but now feeling lucky it worked out that way. The scenery was amazing but the movie was so intense I felt like I could hardly appreciate it. I think I need to see it again – I went with a this is a kids movie mindset and was blown away. I really wish I had read the book. The messages will stay with me for a very long time. My 12 yr old said the message he got out of it was that "if life smacks you in the face you just get up and keep on going" . I thought that was pretty insightful. Finally my first cinema experience was Grease which I thought was the best thing I had ever seen. I had to sit on the wooden edge of the canvas seat because I couldn't see from sitting properly in the sling part. It was made all the more exciting because I went with adult friends and I knew my parents would never have approved if they new what the movie was about! Bless…. it is burnt into my memory.