all snug and cosy…

and warm inside. That’s how I felt after my birthday weekend. Daniel went out early on Saturday morning to photograph the sunrise and came home with a bunch of flowers and a paper bag full of freshly baked croissants. The croissants were, without doubt, the best I’ve ever had. We topped them with lashings of raspberry and blueberry jam and we enjoyed them with a few cups of tea. I opened my presents from my boys, a collection of books I’d been coveting for ages, and then headed out to teach my pregnant students.

In the afternoon two friends from Sydney celebrated with hot chocolate and brownies at one of my favourite local cafe’s (Daniel made a film there a few months ago) and I treated myself to some ink & spindle goodness in the gorgeous new gallery, the pear house.
That evening, dinner at mum and dad’s and on Sunday, I taught an all-day birth workshop to seven pregnant couples. Most of the “Pregnant and Prepared” workshops that I teach attract first-time parents. But on Sunday, six of the the seven couples were already parents and many were preparing for a VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean). It was incredibly inspiring to see the determination in these pregnant women and the unwavering support from their partners.
Friends of mine and past students came to share the birth story of their beautiful baby girl, Nylah Pixie. It was the first time I had met Nylah and while holding her she found my gaze and chatted with me in her coos and aahhs for a good five minutes. Her muma had attended my classes throughout her entire pregnancy and it became so obvious to us that Nylah recognised my voice from when she was in the belly. The connection was precious and the moment absolutely melted my heart. Nylah’s birth was swift and powerful – her muma’s waters breaking soon after her blessingway. Nylah swam into the world a mere three hours later.
Sunday concluded with a big bowl of vegetables and noodles cooked in homemade chicken stock. And it was cool enough to wear my new toast slippers. The perfect end.
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Showing 12 comments
  • dear olive

    Love for the photos! LOVE for the slippers! Kellie xx

  • claire

    Oh, cosy weekends with warm breakfasts and fresh flowers are the best! Your photos make me wish the cooler weather would travel up to Brisbane already. xo

  • Rhiannon

    Wishing you a beautiful birthday, I loved your note about connecting with your Yoga Baby, Nylah, so precious! I have just stated yoga recently, and am loving it, and definately plan on continuing when I am pregnant again. If only I lived near you!
    Rhiannon xx

  • Gaby

    That sounds pretty perfect! Isn't it nice now that the weather is a bit cooler? I still haven't busted out my slippers but I think I will soon.

  • Julian

    Very cosy indeed! I'm enchanted with the story of little Nylah – I'm a student midwife and so love learning about all the subtleties of pregnancy and birth – adds so much more depth to the care I provide. It must be the week for slippers … … mine are toasty too 🙂

  • Nell

    Utter perfection. We have the River Cottage book – it's one of Ben's favourites. Many yummy recipes.

    Here's to another beautiful year for you. What fun it will bring xx

  • Julie

    Sounds really lovely. Coziness is something to me that completes my home…and me. xo

  • Julie

    And Happy Birthday to you too!

  • Tara Lucia Zaicz

    Hooray! Happy Earthday! What a fantastic set of books… my favourite is the Gentle Birth Method… my bible for the preparation of my first child. After a 2 day homebirth I had an emergency c-section…. I never read the c-section part of the book because I never thought that it would happen to me…. I do however believe the methods of this book have contributed to the amazingly calm, beautiful baby boy I call my son. Biggest love beautiful mama xox

  • Ms M

    Loving your slippers!

  • freckles

    I went and bought myself Gentle Birth Method today, my husband and i will start trying to concieve in about 3 months time so i want to start preparations now, my friends think i'm a bit strange preparing before i'm pregnant(and they think i'm slightly nutty wanting a natural birth!) but to me it just makes sense.

  • Danielle

    I love your slippers xxso cute

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