’round here

1. Kitchen windowsill: soy sauce bottle from Tokyo, succulent, gooseberry,ย hand-soap
2. Wispy curls.

I forgot to write in my letter that when you get sick and you’re breastfeeding and then your baby gets sick the only thing to do is treat yourself to naps, lemon & honey tea, wholesome food and early nights. There’s just no space for anything else.

Our fortnightly organicย deliveryย arrived yesterday and it was brimming with oranges, pears, the most violet of plums and deep-green broccoli (to name a few). I’ll be snacking from the fruit bowl today and keeping an eye on Poet, because if this morning is anything to go by, she’ll be snacking on moths (found on the floorboards). Delightful!

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  • Amber

    Ah, yes, I have a little scavenger, as I so fondly refer to my little Autumn, who likes to scrape the dust she can find in the sliding door track or any corner that collects it for a little taste. She has also taken to trying to drink the water in the planter trays. So nice to know she won't let herself starve. ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Sammie

    Love your high chair Jodi. Where is it from?
    It's quite plain (in a good way!) and would sit nicely with other furniture… I'm on the high chair hunt at the moment…
    Hope you feel better soon. I'm lucky enough to have not yet (touch wood) gotten sick with Abi. I'd imagine the BFing would just drain you even more.

    • Jodi

      Sammie, it's a side-of-the-road find. My parents painted it white and I bought a harness to strap around the back. Keep a lookout on council pick-up day! x

    • Owlphamama

      I just finished reading your comment and then logged onto http://www.ecotoys.com.au to search for an aluminium lunch box I spied today at my daughter's swimming lesson, and found the most gorgeous high chair made from recycled rubber wood – not too mention dozens of other eco friendly, beautiful things. I thought you might be interested. Good luck x

  • Cherie @ 'a baby called Max'

    Get well soon, I think those violet plums will be just what the Doctor ordered.


  • Gaby

    Ha, that's hilarious about Poet. Hope you feel better soon! x

  • kimberly

    Beautiful pictures! Love the lighting and angles. ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Katrina (capturing moments)

    They put anything in their mouths don't they! I bet moths taste like a teaspoon of plain flour, perhaps with a little raison inside (for the body of the moth). Lovely thought. Get plenty of rest and stir a little Vitamin C powder into your water or freshly squeezed juices. Powder works a thousand times faster than a tablet of any kind – grab some from the health food store or chemist.

    • Jodi

      I take a buffered Vit C powder every day – it's a super duper one from my naturopath. I think this cold is me just a little run down – time to take it easy. Thanks for your kind thoughts K x

  • Emma

    Oh no, hope you feel better soon! x

  • Rhiannon

    I found Cooper eyeing off a daddylonglegs this morning, and I can bet just where he wanted to pop… and he is nearly two! ewww!
    Hope you start to feel better soon, rest up when you can,
    Luv Rhi xx

  • tea with lucy

    sounds like the perfect line up of remedies.

    your window sill and girl, both so pretty!


  • Victoria

    My little girl used to be like that, these days I usually catch her eating fluff or playdoh instead very annoying as she is almost 5.

    I hope you get better soon.

  • *sam**

    Hi Jodi, Hope you both get better soon!
    Could you please tell me where do you get your organic delivery from? Thanks a lot! Agnes

  • Maxabella

    We received 8 capsicums in our weekly box. Who the hell needs 8 capsicums? Oranges, apples, nectarines, watermelon, potatoes, carrots as big as your arm, other stuff. Where are my juicy plums? x

  • ashley

    mmm, moths!
    i do so prefer juicy plums and green broccoli but to each her own, x ashley

  • Mama of 2 boys

    Oh I do hope you're feeling better again real soon Jodi. Gorgeous photos. I can't get over how Poet has grown, she looks an absolute delight. Enjoy those wonderful fresh foods xo

  • Dora

    Oh my goodness, nearly puked at the thought of Poet eating moths! I hate moths!! ewwwwww. Fresh fruit and veg, yes please!! xx

  • Brit

    i can't even remember how i came across your blog, but i'm delighting in it very much. ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Ngo Family Farm

    What lovely photos! Nothing is safe from my baby's mouth either ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • Marginamia

    can't beat that bottle…. or those curls. being sick mom is the worst, but home delivered organic produce sounds amazing! such a lovely blog!


    Oh Jodi those curls …
    Moths … story of my life at the moment, moths and mould arrrhhhh !!!

    Put in my vote for Apartment Therapy, Yah for Che & Fidel !!!!!

  • one claire day

    I caught Lalie this morning walking around with some type of bug in her mouth. It was dead when it came out, not sure if it was alive or not when it went in.

    eeww xx

  • Elsie Butterscotch

    I love love love your blog. Thank you xxx

  • Gypsy Root

    very smitten with this blog. images bring a sense of calm inspiration.

  • victoria

    LOL moths… oh my.
    i'm so glad i found your blog through apartment therapy, i'm in love.

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