
“A portrait of my youngest children, once a week, every week, in 2015.”
Poet: carefree and happy down on the beach. This captures her spirit more than any other portrait I have taken.
Percy: his first Christmas. He was utterly delighted.

Thank you so much for joining The 52 Project this year. I’m always surprised by just how good it feels to look back over 52 (104!) portraits and remember all the moments captured.
A few of my favourites from the year…
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  • Sue Peterson

    Love this idea. I may try to do a picture a week in 2016! Thanks for the inspiration!

  • Jessica G.

    I loved looking back over your favorite images from this year. You take such stunningly beautiful pictures of your children. Thank you for hosting the link up the past few years. It's how I found your blog. And it has inspired me to take more pictures of my children.

  • Kathy

    These are all lovely images..thanks for hosting I've participated for the past 2 years and will keep going….I soooo wish this was around 10 years ago when my kids were small but it is what it is and I'm still amazed at how much they change in 2 years (now 12 and nearly 10). Regards Kathy A, Brisbane

  • Reply

    What lovely pictures with which to finish up. I've so loved joining in this year, thank you for hosting 🙂

  • Giselle

    What a lovely pair to end with. Thank you for inspiring with your diligence and consistently beautiful work Jodi. I ordered softcover books of my 2015 photos from Artifact Uprising and am absolutely delighted with them. The 52 project, the second-hand camera I bought (GF1) and book printing all happened because of your guidance and I am so grateful.

  • laura dicken

    Such a wonderful year of photos Jodi, and this week's are lovely. This has been my third year joining in with the project, and I am so grateful for the photos. It does feel so good to look back on a year of portraits! x

  • Polly

    They are so beautiful all of them. And I especially love your final post. You always have such great tones – do you set your own custom white balance or use AWB? I am having trouble with AWB at the moment what with all this winter light and gloom here in the UK and want to make the move to customising it.

  • Benedicte Lechrist

    MERCI Jodi for inspiring all of us, week after week. I am so grateful being able to look back at a full year of portraits, so grateful for everything I have learned along the way and for making my passion for photography stronger and better. Thank you! xx http://www.happy-bandits.com

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