5 intentions for spring

I like intentions better than plans; they definitely suit the unpredictability of motherhood.

While I have intended to write here for the past fortnight, it hasn’t come to fruition. The early days with baby are busy, yes, but they’re also slow and rather uneventful. There’s feeding and washing and cooking and cuddling and coffee drinking and housework and….that’s about all. But all those things manage to take up most of my day which leaves little time to write and even littler to write about.

But this week, thanks to warmer weather (bare feet!), wisteria growing in abundance on the side gate and the imminent school holidays, I’ve been looking forward to the next few months and thinking about what’s to come. And instead of venturing deep into spring with scattered thoughts and cleaning ideals I thought I’d create some intentions instead.

  • return to my frugal mindset : I’ve got the best excuse for lapsing on the frugality of late but just this past week I’ve craved the routine of meal planning. And honestly, it really does make my days smoother if I don’t have to umm and ahh about what to cooking during witching hour. And yes, it really does eliminate food wastage and reduce the grocery bill. So many positives!
  • sort through the children’s clothes : this is such a mammoth job that’s heady with nostalgia. Let’s not even talk about my dilemma over the newborn clothes that Marigold has outgrown – I’m at a loss with what to do with them. Alas, I have been sorting, rearranging the hand-me-down boxes and listing pre-loved clothes for sale. If you do like buying second-hand, you must check out Oh For Lovers and Fighters, too.
  • read 10 pages a day : I did this last year and I always, without fail, read more than 10 pages. I’ve just started Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine and next on the list is Lab Girl. It’s a soothing way to while away the breastfeeding sessions.
  • tend to the garden : which, in my case, is a bunch of terracotta pots that are currently looking sad and neglected. We haven’t had any significant rainfall in months so everything is scarily dry. But I need my herbs and greens for summer salads so it’s an essential task that must be done!
  • walk, walk, walk : I don’t have a double pram so I’ve been a little slack on the walking front. But, spring is the perfect season for walks around the neighbourhood (and to the cafe) so before the days get too hot I’m going to hit the pavement (and buy a new pair of sneakers because my current ones are 10-years-old and rather an embarrassment).

And how about you? What are you reading? What are you growing? Where are you walking?


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  • Tara

    I just finished reading 1984 and animal farm, 2 great reads. I’m also trying to get out in the garden and like you have a 3 new baby and a full of bears 2 and a half year old. Its feeling very much like spring time here in nz. Love your blog x

  • Lisa

    Gosh I am 4 weeks into this whole parenting gig and I can’t even fathom making dinner or going for walks yet! You’re giving me hope that it will get easier (at least i will be able to manage more than just eating, breastfeeding & sleeping in very short spurts)

    • Jodi

      It gets better….it really does! Congratulations on your little bundle x

  • Lucy

    I loved Eleanor Oliphant! I’ve just finished The Dry by Jane Harper and The Light Between Oceans by ML Stedman. I find I’m reading a lot now as while the twins like me close, once I’m nearby, they play with each other so it leaves me with time to indulge in a book. Yet if I try something productive like unpacking the dishwasher or ironing they both want me at once. So reading it is!

  • Nicole

    I’m about to begin ‘The Good People’ by Hannah Kent. I enjoyed with curiosity ‘Burial Rites’ and have heard good things about her next book.
    I, like you, don’t know what to do with the newborn clothes. Our little love is nearly five months and mostly in 00 but still I’ve hung onto the 0000 and 000 clothes. What to do??
    Trying really hard to get walking at a decent pace with our baby, two and four year olds.

    • kirstin

      I hoped you loved The Good People. She’s an amazing writer. Burial Rites was haunting.

  • Kate

    How wonderful to have these comments full of must-reads, I will be filling my Booktopia cart with these fabulous reads tonight! Currently reading Simplicity Parenting by Kim John Payne (think I got the recommendation here..?) which I am loving! And A Princess Remembers: the memoirs of the maharani of Jaipur by Gayatri Devi. Walking to the creek, and the mailbox. And the creek and the mailbox. We are on a VERY dry western Qld farm and so wish there was anywhere else to walk (a cafe on pavement oh my that sounds lovely… and smooth). Growing a new parterre vegetable garden that is scaring me with its proportions. Am filling it with picking flowers like cosmos and calendulas for the girls and herbs herbs herbs ready for summer and tomatoes and zucchinis and lettuce. Such an immense pleasure being in the warmth and in nature and hoping the winter bugs are running for the hills. Lovely to hear from you again x

  • Lily Boot

    I loved Lab Girl – incredibly inspiring and thought provoking. Currently reading The Madwoman Upstairs which is especially fun if you like the Brontes, and The Essex Serpent which is intense, fascinating and beautifully written., and looking forward to A Boy in Winter. As for that rain – oh we are ready to start rain dancing here! Absolutely desperate for some to start the seeds sprouting – recently planted Amish paste tomatoes, sugar snaps, climbing beans, a variety of heritage pumpkins, painted mountain corn and Japanese greens ( you could try this in your greens pots from Diggers Club – so easy and prolific) – but without rain …. enjoy your wisteria!

  • katie

    I’m presently sitting here, on a rainy day, with a soy chai latte and a 7 week old milk drunk baby on my chest, feeling relatively anxious about my return back to work in just 5 short days (yes.. I live in the US.. land of shitty maternity leave, where I haven’t been paid at all for my time off). I’ve spent the past several weeks soaking up all the cuddles I can, while simultaneously attempting to keep a clean house and cook most days, also while balancing the challenges of the coming of age 8 year old big sister. Sigh.. I really love your use of the word intentions. Makes me feel better about the things I wish to get done, but don’t. As far as what I’m reading.. nothing presently, but I might very well take up Eleanor Oliphant, because it sounds very intriguing.

  • Laura

    I love that idea of reading 10 pages a day! Such a simple and easy-to-accomplish task, I think I will try and do that too!

    I am so loving this Spring season, starting to nest, getting ready for our second babe arriving next month, and soaking up the sunshine and last moments with my daughter, before we become a family of four. And of course, tending to our tomato plants, and trying to grow herbs and lettuces for summer salads too!

  • connie

    Beautiful baby. She has your mouth. I’m reading Elena Ferrante’s book four of The Neapolitan Novels, THE STORY OF THE LOST CHILD. If you haven’t read these books you should. The author has been described as one of the great novelists of our time.

  • mt

    after I read a few books because you recommended them, I’m happy to share a few things that made a good reading for me lately: “The hidden life of trees” and “Utopia for realists”. sometimes maybe slow but much appreciated

  • Victoria the Justice Pirate

    Oh man. I want to walk walk walk too. Hope all goes well on the latest goals.

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