
“A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013.”
Che: We took him to the movies for the first time and he was completely overwhelmed. Two days later, after lots of discussion, he said: “I actually really loved that movie.” Process.
Poet: She sucks the salt water off her fingers.
I have a growing collection of beach shots from all our time spent ocean-side so this week I really enjoyed looking at portraits bordered with white, dusty snow. Happiest birthday to beautiful Josephine – snow flakes on her eyelashes, how utterly perfect / Amy’s b+w captures of her girl (and a fabulous furry hat) / little Stanley looking absolutely fed up but absolutely adorable – classic photo album shot, this one / baby girl waving to the outside world, so very storybook / and finally, the portrait that stayed in my mind all week – the utter magic that is Gus and that glorious light.

Thanks so much to all of you who are linking up and spreading the word. Click ‘read more’ to link up for 4/52.



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  • seamlessdays

    I know exactly what you mean about processing that first trip to the theater. She still talks about that first trip, to this day. We didn't make it through the previews!

  • Kate

    Beautiful pictures again. Che is a little dude!
    Kate x
    Just Pirouette and Carry On…

  • Jess

    Those beach shots are just what the doctor ordered for those of us living in the frozen north.

  • Lauren

    They are both adorable. I love looking at the little moments that you capture of them. Timeless shots.

  • Kate

    Eep! My favorite portraits yet this year! I agree – timeless x

  • Meryl & Russell McLendon

    Beautiful pics… I can relate about the overwhelmed feeling overwhelmed at the movies. =)

  • Hello Sisilia

    Che's hat and expression is utterly cute!

  • Nell

    That picture of Poet is just wonderful – your composition is amazing. And bless Che. So many new experiences right now.

    How lovely to see a link to Josephine's portrait too 🙂 xx

  • Capturing Moments

    Loving these two.

  • Zila

    These photos are so nice!
    This project is great…can i still get in it?

    • Jodi

      It's not too late! And yes, of course you can join in x

  • Ruby Hoppen

    That picture of Che is so cool, I love the patterned carpet and the sunnies "I'm ready for my close-up"

    • Jodi

      They're actually 3D glasses….he treasures them x

  • Anna @ green tea n toast

    What a dude! I love that. And the fingers – my daughter sucks hers all day long (minus the salt water though)! Poet is gorgeous.

  • mel @ loved handmade

    I adored our littlest guys first movie experience. Sitting there with his popcorn and 3D glasses, mesmerised and in awe, then whispers as it all goes dark "where's the remote?"..x

  • JoKnows

    My gosh, look at them. So sweet. Love his little hat and 3D glasses look. 🙂

  • Catherine

    These are wonderful moments to have captured, those firsts are always very exciting. xx

  • Steph @ this brown wren

    Such a wonderful adventure for your little man! And simple pleasures little Poet may very well remember as an adult. Wishing you beautiful days 🙂 x

  • jo

    yum sea water! my little one does the same.

  • Lil Muse Lily

    Che looks like he is so ready and he means serious business.

  • Brenda @ Mira Narnie

    ohh movies are a such fun, but my little man is very apprehensive about them, so good on Che for loving the experience! And salt water…mmmm xx ps – i'm loving popping around to your favourites from last week too x

  • little sleep

    So beautiful, you capture the moment perfectly : )
    And thank you so much for linking to my pic too xx

  • Kirsty

    The first trip to the movies is so exciting, I still remember my first movie movie and what a treat it was! I love his hat! Such a special portrait of Poet – sucking the salt is so evocative of kids at the beach!

  • Claire @ Scissors Paper Rock

    Poet always has this sense of calm over her. Such a beautiful little Soul.
    Claire x

  • Laura

    Che is such a dude. Love the dark background of the image too. x Laura

  • Lauren

    I love your photos. They are just great. Mind if I ask do you use film or digital… and do you edit? What kind of camera do you use?! Oh my gosh such beautiful tones and colors.

    • Jodi

      I shoot digital using a Panasonic Gf1 with a 20mm 1.7 lens (it's the only lens I use). I don't edit all the time but when I do I slightly increase the contrast or straighten the horizon (I can't stand a diagonal horizon!) x

  • Megan.K.

    Che is such a cutie hipster in this photo!
    I remember taking my eldest to the movies for the first time and one of the characters died, but then came back to life (Ice Age 1). She was also overwhelemed by the experience. It's so big for them.

  • Simone Bell

    Beautiful images! They almost look 3D! Xx http://simonebell.blogspot.com.au

  • Briseidy

    amazing photos! how I want to be at the beach right now!

  • kate @ livinglovinglaughing

    Beautiful shots of the kiddos – the first movie is a big milestone!

    This week I am so excited to share THREE portraits rather than two… yep our little boy arrived into the world in a beautiful water birth 🙂

  • Greer

    Oh, Che! Classic x

  • Candace

    Your kids are stunning! Che at the movies is priceless! Can't wait to experience that first with my own. I at 27 still find the movies to be magical.

  • Jesi Langdale

    I cannot wait until Elie can go to the movies with us. We haven't been in so very long. I use a Panasonic too! The GH2, I have the 20mm lens too and it is wonderful, I also use the kit lens. I picked it because it takes good photos and very nice video and also because Amazon was offering it with lens and all for only 500$!!! One day I want to upgrade to a Nikon D600, but for now this one makes beautiful images and is perfect! Your photographs are always gorgeous and so of course are your children Jodi!

  • Kelly E

    Elijah was four when I sent him to his first movie with my sister – they took along some Baby Banz earmuffs because I knew he would find it too loud. Even now at six he struggles with the volume but then so do I!

    They are lovely images btw 🙂

  • Sarah

    I just found your blog the other day from Bluebirdbaby and I started from the very beginning….more than once, I found myself thinking how similar we are and how much I would love an afternoon of tea and conversation with you. 🙂 Your blog reads like a wonderful novel and the pictures are so beautiful.
    I am thrilled to have found Che and Fidel!
    Have a lovely weekend ~

  • ashley

    Your beautiful children are sweeter by the week.

  • Julie

    I love the picture of Che so very much. He is looking like such a little man these days!

  • dear molly

    Jodi you always capture your children so beautifully..loving both these shots!

  • look see

    These both have a painterly quality to them – so lovely 🙂

  • Maxabella

    He looks like such a cool little dude in his 3D sunnies (they are SO stylish, aren't they?!). I can't imagine how a movie must look for the first time. Big and overwhelming, I would imagine. Glad he came around, though. Movies are one of my favourite things in the world. x

  • Em

    Che looks 50's gangster-esque. The light is just perfect.
    You truly have a gift at capturing your littles just beautifully.
    I continue to blame my sub par photography skills on my wriggly kiddos 😉

  • rebecca robinson

    hi jodi

    why does my photo link come up with a red cross under it? not sure what im doing wrong!! or does anyone know? im still such a novice at this…

    bec at strewthmama

    ps – im loving being a part of your portrait a week…;o)

    • Jodi

      Hi Bec, I can't see a red cross under your link so I'm presuming you can see it because it's yours. Nothing to worry about, it's working fine x

  • Amber {we stood together}

    Love that photo of Che. You always seem to capture such beautiful moments with your two.
    My four year old is yet to go to the movies but I am certain his response would be the same as Che's!
    Thanks again for the opportunity to link up on your fantastic blog 🙂

  • rebecca robinson

    oh thanks jodi. ill sleep better now

  • Kim H

    WHat a groovy hat and funky glasses Che has on. What movie did he see? x

    • Jodi

      We saw Wreck-it Ralph – it was the only children's film on! x

  • Andrea @ little buckles

    Love Che's expressions x

  • Lou Archell

    Oh what did he see at the cinema. Charlie's first movie was Toy Story 3 in 3d. It completely overwhelmed him and he cried! AW bless him. He dressed as a pirate for the special occasion. x

    • Jodi

      We saw "Wreck-it Ralph" which was good but…..a little scary for Che. I'm baffled by the scary elements in so-called 'children's films'…there never seems to be anything that's 100% appropriate….although, Madagascar 1, 2 & 3 are quite amazing, and, come to think of it, very appropriate x

  • Kymmie

    Oh bless. That picture at the cinemas makes me want to eat popcorn and be as funky as Che! Poet sucking her fingers. Oh bless.

    Beautiful photos always Jodi. x

  • Lea

    Hah love the shot of Che. He certainly looks the part!

  • Erica

    I'm really loving this series, and the wonderful, supportive atmosphere it has created.
    Che is SO expressive, isn't he?? I'm always captivated by the story in his face.

  • Suzie Williams

    Che looks adorable in that photograph, glad he (eventually) enjoyed his trip. The first cinema experience can be a bit mad – much louder, darker and bigger than normal screens. Am very much enjoying this project!

  • Lottie Storey

    What a little dude! Loving the specs 🙂

  • Sara

    That photo of Che is great, he looks so very cool. 🙂

  • debs

    linked up twice. Whoops! think the second one takes you to the right page. Still not sure if I'm doing everything correctly. I need to work out how to put on that 52 button thing and the blurb everyone seems to have…:-(

    • Jodi

      Not to worry! Now, re. the button. Just right click on the button in 3/52, save as and then upload to your blog. As for the blurb, do you mean "a portrait of my children……" – if so, I just type it in every week, simple as that x

  • jody

    Beautiful Jodi, my little man felt overwhelmed at the movies too. I scheduled my post because we were away but I forgot to link up oops! xo

  • Flourish

    Awww, his little hat is so cute!

  • Kylie

    First time movies are always a little daunting. We tool both of ours to see RIO at the cinema as their first experience, it was a great movie

  • Katie:: Grow.Cook.Sew.

    Finally got around to playing along! Xx

  • C.Ware

    I am so inspired by this! Thank you for sharing your space and your project!


  • Chapter 9

    Hello Jodi,
    Your children are so beautiful.

    If I'm honest looking at your photos sometimes makes me a little melancholy – I recognise in them little movements, expressions, or a particular stance that returns me to the images in my mind of my children when they were small. I am constantly shocked at how time moves.

    I miss mine being such little people – they are wonderful slightly bigger people now, of course 🙂 There is & always will be beautiful times with them of course, but theres just something so special about the time BS (Before School!).

    I am glad you are treasuring these times.
    The 52 project is such a wonderful idea, thanks.

    Ashlee x

  • Preeti Dubey

    Hey Jodi,
    Thanks for launching this wonderful project. Documenting our little ones growing is so amazing, that too when shared with people around the globe. Though I am little late I am signing in today!
    Your kids are so adorable !
    Thanks for the inspiration.

    • Preeti Dubey

      I am sorry as I posted the thumbnail twice, second one with a proper link to the blog. Is there any way I can remove the first thumbnail ?

  • 452

    Hi Jodi,

    I LOVE the photo of Che' this week. And I am so jealous of your kids upbringing – what I would do to be back in Sydney, taking my kids to the beach!

    Due to a few life dramas I'm only just getting around to posting 3/52 and 4/52.

    I hope you all enjoy my photos as much as I am enjoying checking out everyone elses. xx

  • cranny + me

    Thank you so much for this very swell idea in capturing photographs of our children and loved ones each week. I've been following your Project 52 since the beginning of last year and was so excited to join you this year. I've decided to just post monthly, because, well, I'm just not organized enough to post weekly, ha! But, I so look forward to this. Thank you so much.

  • Mum TOI

    beautiful portraits. on my vision board for 2013 I envisaged capturing moments and I am happy I can share them with the world. thanks for hosting this fun idea 🙂

  • MummaFox

    I'm planning on making some wings when I get a moment. Beautiful photos you've captured your little people perfectly. Thanks for doing this project. I've discovered so many new blogs and have so much reading to do. So thanks.

  • Olivia ava

    Nice baby. Keep posting. Thanks for sharing.
    online course diploma

  • Sarah S.

    wow, your portrait's a week are amazing! Wish I would have known about this cute linkup sooner.

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