
“A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013.”
Che: tantrum under the doona (on washing day). 
Poet: her hair is getting wilder and knottier – I have no idea what to do with it.
That number up there can only mean one thing – there’s 10 weeks till the New Year. Only 10 more photos and you and I will both have a beautiful documentation of the year. I suppose the question is: are you planning on doing it again next year?
A big welcome to the gorgeous Tallow, a “pillar of strength” for her parents / Milina’s shots of the everyday are inspiring in their simplicity. See? – normality is beautiful / autumn, sunshine and giggly children – Kirsty’s glorious days / oh! a portrait shadow / moody blues and greys and two sweet little ones.


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  • Lil Muse Lily

    Lily's hair always gets tangled and knotted. i have found that a bit of leave-in conditioner and detangler spray really helps.
    and yes, i would love to do this 52 project again next year. it has helped me so much to edit just one photo for the week and i cannot wait to do a photo book with this year's pictures.

  • Lauren Knight

    Yes! I am planning to do it again next year!

    I think it hit me when my husband said that he was really glad I did it- he loves looking back on all of the portraits, and so do I!

  • barbara

    of course i'll do it again! it's a great way to record the family life and i still have so much to learn from all these talented photographers (you Jodi in primis)!

  • leah.

    i love that both of these photos seem to highlight their hair. the golden wild locks are so lovely.

    i think i am going to do it again. it has served as a constant for my blog, and allows me to reflect on our weeks. i am looking forward to turning this years photos into an album, and love the idea of keeping this going… for at least a couple years.. until she won't let me take her photo anymore 🙂

  • moose and bird

    I adore Poet's hair in all it's wildness. I would love to challenge myself to the 52 project next year (and actually do all 52 weeks…..aaahhhh, the pressure). Have a beautiful week Jodi. Melinda 🙂

  • Mother Down Under

    My post this week was about my boy's curls! I don't know what to do with them either!

    I am definitely joining in again next year…I have really cherished taking and choosing photos this year.

  • Katrina@capturingmoments

    Once again, the light in your photographs is perfect. x P.S yes! Is my answer

  • Karen

    Although I didn't join in this year – Finn didn't want to be photographed – I have loved this series, so many of my favourite blogs have taken part and it is a joy to see so many beautiful children grow.

  • rebucadoacido

    beautiful light in both pictures, you do this so well 🙂
    and yes, i am also joining this project again next year!
    lu x

  • Angels have Red Hair

    Somehow I don't think my kids will put up with me chasing them around with the camera for another year … but this year has been fabulous and I'm looking forward to making a photo book showing the changes in 2013.

  • Mandi Ashcroft

    I'll confess here to being a little addicted to the 52 project. It inspires me to look at my children a d reflect, notice their little changes and bask in their glorious emerging personalities. Yes to next year of course!!!

  • Reply

    have a curly whirly girl too and as my own hair is dead straight had to learn to look after it, so different. Short version of best tips is dont shampoo too often but rinse and condition often (or look into the NO SHAMPOO option – google it).
    Use products made for curly hair.
    Leave in detangler spray a must
    Use an afro comb or even better a Tangle Teezer or similar (other brands)
    and only comb when wet never dry

  • Gaby

    i love the contrasting light in these portraits x

  • Suven Chow

    I just started! Lol. So definitely will be following it through till end of next year! xx

  • bron @ baby space

    oh my, will I do it next year? not being at home with the kids all the time makes it harder to catch a portrait moment so I'm guessing I won't — I'm still trying to catch up this year! but it's been wonderful to do. such a great idea jodi 🙂 x

  • Cassandra Michelin

    Love the doona

  • Milina O

    I've been witness to these types of tantrums too. Thank you so much for your very generous words. I love how you put it. Normality is beautiful! This project has been so rewarding, in so many different ways. I definitely intend to do it again next year. x

  • Kirsty

    I'm looking forward to doing the 52 project next year. And o – hair! My little girl and I have battles every morning about brushing her unruly hair, and I keep wondering if I should just get it cut short…

  • krissy_b

    ahhhh, that beautiful spring light! we too, have a wild-haired girl and we finally caved after four and a half years and took her in for her very first haircut!

  • Sharlene

    that was just me above, #19, accidentally commenting from my sister's account 😉

  • Amber {we stood together}

    Love Poet's tiny hand poking in at the side of Che's portrait. I wonder if she was going to try to coax him out of his tantrum?
    Harper loves to wear her hair out and by the end of the day it is a huge mess. I am keen for her to cut it, but I keep getting the big thumbs down from the little lady.
    Hmmm, I am undecided about doing P52 next year. Will have to give it some more thought…

    • Jodi

      I didn't noticed her hand until you mentioned it 😉 x

  • fritha strickland

    ten weeks! madness! love the light in these pictures x

  • Steph @ this brown wren

    Such golden haired babies this week. Divine! Have so loved taking a portrait of my babies each week and can't quite believe I've stuck it out. I would love to so it again next year. Hope all is lovely in your world 🙂 xx

  • Max

    I probably won't join in next year. wonderful as it has been lately I feel a bit uninspired and i've just been quickly snapping something on the weekend. if poet is anything like most kids she'll be about due a self-chop any time now…(hide them scissors!) x

    • Jodi

      You didn't just say that. She really is the kind of kid who will take to her hair with the scissors. Fingers crossed it doesn't eventuate x

  • flyingjen

    I would love to the the 52 Project next year as well. Hopefully by then I might have a working camera instead of having to rely on the iphone (although I am ok with the photos it takes). I've already started working on a photo album putting pictures in a month or so at a time rather than have to stress over getting a book finished for a late Christmas present to The G's. I love watching my sweet little one grow and have adventures.

  • Alexis

    I think I will do it again – although it is hard in the winter months when my older girl is at school, yesterday I had to follow her around with the camera a bit to get a shot – but it captured where she is now and a time that is fleeting and maybe quite easy to forget. I like it as even if the photos aren't as good as I'd hoped they'd be it's a good discipline to get into.

  • Jess

    I have loved this project so much! I will definitely think about doing it again.

  • jackieb

    Jodi have you a tangle teazer brush ? if not I will bring one over at Christmas 🙂 ….looking forward to seeing you all xx

  • Sarah Hartley

    These are absolutely GORGEOUS photos. I've always wished I had an eye like this.

  • Kym Piez

    Yes, I realised that there is only 10 weeks to go too! I have loved this 52 portrait series so much for so many different reasons! Mostly because I have documented my beloved children, but I've been enjoying seeing how my photography has grown and changed. Thank you for allowing me this opportunity to grow so much!


  • cibele barreto

    Yes. I loved this project 🙂

  • Pink Ronnie

    Your light is always stunning and perfect.
    Sorry I've only been able to take part here and there – just the reality of life for me right now…
    Ronnie xo

  • Lottie :: Oyster and Pearl

    I was pondering the ten weeks left, too. And patting myself on the back for keeping going this long.

    That light is beautiful; so sunny. I can hear the rain beating down on the roof as I write this, and the light is grey/blue. Lucky you with the promise of summer on its way x

    • Jodi

      the sun is beautiful but oh we need the rain! Our entire state has been declared a state of emergency with BIG bushfires burning completely out of control. Hundreds of homes have already been lost and there is absolutely no sign of rain. It is so very scary! x

  • Nell

    I think I will continue the Portrait series next year. I love having this record, and I am absolutely going to create a very special book with those pictures. I think next year though, I will strive to document the special things in Josephine's life, as well as Josephine herself. Special friends and family, special toys, special places. I'm already excited to start this new challenge 🙂 x

  • Jesi

    I remember being a young girl with knotted hair, my parents just chopped it all off, but Poet's curls are too pretty! Perhaps some leave in conditioner?

    I've heard about the fires, praying for rain for you all!

  • Sarah

    Speaking os one who still suffers from knots due to curls, spray-on leave-in conditioner is defo the way to go. Only comb her hair when it is wet or has the magic spray on it or it will break – use a comb never a brush. Try and get her to let you plait it or tie it back at night – Meg still won't let me do that but as her hair is growing it is getting easier! She's such a beautiful little girl it would be a shame to try and tame her lovely locks!
    Thinking of you all in these devastating fires xxx

  • Elsie and Joan

    Yes, I'd love to continue participating in your portrait project again next year Jodi. It's been such a wonderful process for me, on so many levels. I'm really so grateful to you for that. I'm thinking I might approach it with weekly portraits of various special people in my life. Belinda x

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