
“A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013.”
Che: sandy and sunkissed (you can see my silhouette and the ocean in his eyes)
Poet: she hides behind that golden curl

I’ll admit that I am thoroughly enjoying all of your portraits. My favourites from 2/52? – Kandice’s best friend/love and baby girl; nothing like a freshly bathed baby wrapped in a towel / Sarah’s little blonde babes, especially the magic of the aquarium shot / it’s so nice to see a Dad joining in….and how cute is little owl Naomi? / Clio photographed Mica in b+w – a timeless shot / I adore all of Dee’s captures but especially this underwater shot of kiss-blowing Limi.And I had to share with you…Jenny’s belly from 1/52 is now a baby – welcome precious Marlow!

Quite a few of you have mentioned that one of the reasons you are doing The 52 Project is to improve your photography. First step? Turn your camera off auto and start shooting on manual. Need some help? Well, if you’re in or around Sydney Tim Coulson and I are hosting The Creatives in May and July (one place left in May, a couple in July). I’ve heard really good things about Eyes Open for those of you who like learning online and if you’re after a cute and educational poster check out this manual photography cheat sheet. Also, if you’re interested in making your photos bigger on your blog I’ve written a step-by-step guide over here. If you have any questions I am more than happy to answer them in the comments section so ask away!

To link up to 3/52 just click “read more”……..



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  • ::The Beetle Shack::

    i don't think i've ever seen che look so cute.. oh maybe I have but he does look VERY adorable.

  • Lil Muse Lily

    lovely summer shots. i must switch to manual…. happy weekend!

  • Val Kovalchuk

    I love how tan Che is!

  • Mother Down Under

    That is such a lovely photo of Che.
    Summer means sand covered kids!
    I hope you are having a beautiful weekend.

  • Kate

    Wow, those beautiful eyes!
    I'm so happy to be taking part in this, thank you 🙂
    Just Pirouette and Carry On…

  • kandice

    my word, that might be a new favorite of che. his shots are always so moving. and poet, so beautiful.

    this project has really been a highlight of my week and i'm happy to be mentioned! thanks! xx

  • seamlessdays

    His eyes are so beautiful and I love the perspective in the second photograph. I'm having so much fun with this project. Thanks again!

  • sascedar

    che looks so carefree, he has captured summer in his soul there. And Eloise is enamoured with Poet "aah babby, pretty". Love this link up, thanks for hosting it Jodi :)sarah

  • Dee

    gosh that boy of yours Jodi!!
    so stunning!!

  • Belinda

    Wow, Jodi, that picture of Che is beautiful. Look at his sandy knees and face. It is a real summer photo. gorgeous Poet, those curls…melt x

  • Soph

    That shot of Che is stunning! How his eyes and clothes and hat all look a similar tone in that light is stunning. And such a lovely feeling being all beach kissed 🙂

  • Ruby Hoppen

    Beautiful pictures and kind advice. I agree everyone needs to learn to turn auto off every now and then, I think it sparks this kind of hunger for "more" from a photograph… I love the grey theme to this week's photos and Poet's chubby hands clinging to that chair!

  • Capturing Moments

    Best photo I have ever seen of your darling boy. Amazing shot. x

  • Steph @ this brown wren

    Such beatiful clear eyes! Such a gentle soul. And your littlest babe…she will be an adventurer. So lovely. Thanks so much 🙂 x

  • Claire

    Oh look at Che's eyes, and that gorgeous grin!

  • jay

    sun kissed indeed, oh my he is so gorgeous, but the kindness and love in those eyes, wow.

  • Kylie @ Octavia and Vicky

    Love that beautiful dirty face, look at those eyes! And those curls are adorable.

  • mel @ loved handmade

    Che's beautiful smile, and that curl, gorgeous x

  • Jess

    Love those curls! Also, the sandy face is too much 🙂
    How I love living vicariously through your summer.

  • Maxabella

    They both look utterly beautiful in these shots, Jodi. Che looks very grown up. x

  • Nell

    Che – such a beauty. What happiness in his face! And Poet? Well you know how much I love a girl with curls! Xx

  • Max

    Wow, amazing photos jodi, che's eyes are so gorgeous x

  • Megan.K.

    That photo of Che is lovely – sun-kissed indeed.
    Thanks for the tutorial notes on making photos larger on the blog. I followed that a couple of months back, much appreciated.

  • Pink Ronnie

    Che looks so sweet and handsome… I'm always in awe of the beautiful tone of your photos, Jodi.
    And oh, that curl! If we ever have a little girl, I would love for her to have gorgeous curls like that…
    Ronnie xo

  • Sonia LifeLoveandHiccups

    I am so with everyone else – wow those eyes! xx

  • Sharlene

    that photos of Che is just perfectly summer!

  • Ann

    I was just about to say that Che looks sun kissed! How cute : )

  • Brenda @ Mira Narnie

    wonderful images Jodi – they seem to truely represent your children's personality! I love Che's sweet smile x

  • Helen Peters

    Che looks beautiful here Jodi. Sun kissed and happy, like Ann says above 🙂

  • Kate

    Goodness, would you look at those beautiful blue eyes? Che is getting more grown up by the week – I swear! And little adventurer Poet, always climbing on things… reminds me of your "Poet Winter" story you told a while back. (PS- I would still buy that book if you wrote it!) x

    • Jodi

      The growth and expansion over the past few weeks has been phenomenal Kate…I can't quite believe it. It really makes me value these weekly portraits even more! As for the book, I should, shouldn't I….x

  • Jess Myheartisyourhome

    Poet's hair is just to die for! x

  • sarah

    happy, healthy and sun kissed … just beautiful. thank you for the link up {that morning at the aquarium really was a special one} xx

  • zu

    it is to late to join???

    • Jodi

      of course not! x

  • kell

    Beautiful photos as always Jodi, thanks for the photography tips too xx

  • Jo

    Oh my. I love, love, love this photo of Che. That sweet little boy with piercing eyes. That photo just is summer.
    And Poet, always such a darling.
    I look forward to your photos more and more each week.

    My best,
    Jo Farmer

  • Em

    Your photos, as usual, are just wonderful. I'm looking forward to sharpening my photography skills in May when Tim is here in Perth… shame you're not coming with him! 😉 xx

  • Laura

    The composition in both of these shots is gorgeous. I especially love Che's smiling face and the depth of happiness in his eyes. x Laura

  • Smykolandia

    Beautiful pics of your children! With emotion – especially of Che!

  • Ulla

    Oh my – those eyes! He will break a lot of hearts 🙂
    Just beautiful shots!
    Ulla x.

  • Simone

    Thank you so much!! I've been talking about starting a blog for way too long – and nothing quite pushed me over the line like you have!! I'm so inspired now! Although my children are now in 'teenage' category – so changes over the 12 months won't be so obvious, but I can't wait to put it all together at the end of the year! Your images are just beautiful. Thank you for connecting so many likeminded people. Simone xx simonebell.blogspot.com.au

  • fritha strickland

    Che is looking like such a big boy, both beautiful as always Jodi x

  • Reply

    Oh my! That photo of Che is stunning.

  • Clio

    Thanks so much for linking to my post this week…the photo I took of Mica is one of my favourite and I was so excited to see my name up there.
    Your portrait of Ché this week is particularly gorgeous also. xo

  • Bek

    Beautiful shots as always! I love Poet's wild hair. I have a wild blonde at my house too. I mean, a child with wild blonde hair. Or both. I am thinking of saving my pennies for a camera with a manual mode. My sister is a wonderful photographer so I tend to rely on her a lot. Maybe I should learn (and hope some of her talent make its way into my DNA too!)

  • jody

    Stunning captures Jodi! Che is looking oh so grown up, those eyes! xo

  • Erica

    Oh I adore the firs image. Che captures the essence of summer; his sandy face, sun-stray hair, and sweet spirit. Lovely shot.
    I also must tell you I'm enjoying this link-up so; what a positive community you've got here!!

    • Jodi

      There are so many new-to-me blogs and it's been such a joy to wander through them all, discovering beautiful faces and heartfelt words. I'm glad you're enjoying it too x

  • jasmine

    Beautiful! And Che's eyes are just gorgeous. What a perfect photo of him!

  • dear molly

    Gosh! Your boy is stunning. I can't get over how much he has grown/matured in the last wee while.

    • Jodi

      I know! Thank goodness I've got these portraits as a record x

  • Bungalowgirl

    So so lovely to see that earnest smile on your boy, usually he is more serious. My favourite so far I think. mel x

  • melynda

    wowwww love these two portraits!!! wonderful!

  • Amber {we stood together}

    The light that you caught in Che's eye is stunning. Well done on getting a lovely, natural smile too. Always a challenge with young kids!

  • Catherine

    Your captures are always so beautiful Jodi. That photo of Che with with colours and his smile is really one of my favourites. x

  • Ingrid Seedsman

    What an adorable photo of Che….x

  • Anna @ green tea n toast

    Beautiful, as always. x

  • spark

    I love Che's smile. Love how these shots tell a story in colour. Grey is not usually associated with Summer but this is perfect.

  • Lottie Storey

    Che's sandy knee. So sweet.

  • Harri Davison

    Beautiful photographs, I love the second one it's so sweet! xx

  • Lou Archell

    Love this one of Che – he has an adorable smile. x

  • Fiona

    Gorgeous eyes! I would love to get involved in this project…even 3 weeks late! You capture your children so very beautifully. Fiona

  • Kim H

    Gorgeous photos. Love that angle of Poet on the chair. Very creative and lovely:)

  • jenny

    that photo of che is phenomenal! and thank you for the mention! i was so excited to see my name up there. i can't wait to see how my little marlowe grows through this series!

  • Claire @ Scissors Paper Rock

    I adore that first photo of Che. What a stunning photo Jodi.
    Thanks for allowing us to link up with this.
    Claire x

  • tinyheat

    That first image is so striking! Loving this project.

  • dear olive

    That photo is Che captures so much! Just gorgeous. Kellie xx

  • ivey patton

    your photos are always so beautiful…you have inspired me to make friends with my camera!

    here we are:


  • Amanda

    That shot of Che is breathtakingly gorgeous Jodi – a new favourite out of all your shots for me I think – I love the sand covered, sun kissed glow to Che and his eyes are stunning. As for darling Poet, quite the adventurer I see! x

  • Kymmie

    Stunning photos Jodi. I love that you can see the ocean in his eyes. And thank you for the hinters on how to take better photos. I see life through a lense since my family gave me my first DSLR for Christmas. In heaven! x

  • this little mum

    gorgeous photos as ever! love the summery feel of your shots, very differently from the wintery vibe in my 3/52: http://thislittlemum.blogspot.co.uk/2013/01/352.html

  • Lauren

    i have just found your blog today. sent you an email just a bit ago. i love your blog and your children, photos, and everything you share here is so beautiful. thanks for being such an inspiration. and how neat is this photo project link up!! xo! 🙂

  • toi

    i've seen this project on various blogs… can't wait to take part. can i still do it even i am few weeks behind?

  • jeands

    so happy to join in the fun. i'm your new follower and newbie on this project.

  • Kelly

    Your photos take my breath away. Just beautiful.

  • Charles Ellison

    Thanks so much for the mention Jodi!! And I'm absolutely happy to be the first Papa to join :). I will be looking forward to each and every week. Your photos are truly inspiring. That photo of Che is magic and I can see myself trying to find a moment like you have found with Poet on the chair. Beautiful!


  • airstreamfamily

    Hi Jodi,

    Alas I missed the 3/52 cut-off for personal reasons. But I really LOVE my photos for 3/52, so I'd love to share them with you still.


    There are not enough hours in the day to check out all the fabulous 52 participants! So many magical photos.

  • Dressing Ivana

    absolutely lovely

  • harry walson

    Awesome blog over here! Thanks for sharing this Photographs and pictures of sun

  • Henrymonstar

    Howdy! This is my 1st comment here so I just wanted to give a quick shout out and say I truly enjoy reading your posts. Thanks a lot!Photographs and Pictures of Sun.

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