
“A portrait of my daughter, once a week, every week, in 2014.”

Poet: oh little one, you are growing up so fast.
My friend Luisa took this photo unbeknownst to me. Such a beautiful gift, to receive a moment captured, especially one I didn’t observe. It was rather serendipitous that she took it this week as I’m currently without a camera (Daniel took the mkiii with him and I’m waiting on delivery of a 6D).
I’ve started creating my 2012 and 2013 “The 52 Project” books with Artifact Uprising. In 2012 my photos were in a variety of folders (labelled “autumn” and “new folder” and “adventures” – yes, very random) which means finding the correct files has been both time-consuming and frustrating. In 2013 I created a “2013 – The 52 Project” folder and I saved each week’s portraits as “Poet 3/52 – print” and “Poet 3/52 – web”…I highly recommend you create a system like this – it will save you lots of time in the long run.
Your photos – so many beautiful captures! But it was the little girl in the glistening lake that sung to my Australian heart / Oh Anaru; little boy, golden sand, big, swirling summer sky / Lola swings high – so much ahead of her / Lucy and her red recorder – so, so sweet / and finally, the light, the lightness, the laughter – an unforgettable portrait.



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  • J Brown

    this might just be one of my all time favorites of poet!

  • Janey G

    oh that portrait is divine! her eyes!!! been thinking of you this week. Hope all is going well and the distractions are working xxxxx

  • bestof2sisters

    What a gorgeous, gorgeous photo of Poet! Such a beautiful and moving gift from a friend 🙂

  • Bec - Mumma Tells

    Beautiful. How gorgeous is her little shirt?

  • bethany

    I just created this same system! And this is such a beautiful portrait.

  • Mariana

    thanks jody, for posting me!
    I'm here following you everyday. 🙂

    so I will be in New Zeland so close to all of you (bloggers that i follow) who live in australia.
    Next year I will visit Australia.

    love mariana

  • beth - ann

    beautiful photo. long time reader and excited to start participating in this incredible project.

  • Roseann

    This is stunning, probably my favorite portrait of Poet ever. I particularly love her expression, body language and the juxtaposition of her florals, stripes, and leather saltwaters with the green of the foliage and the peeling paint. I have a 6D and love it more than I thought possible. I am excited to see what you will do with it. I have a 50mm 1.4 and a 35mm 1.4 and I am tempted to try a zoom. As always, thank you for the inspiration!


  • Alison June

    Such a sweet gift, and such a precious photo 🙂

  • Lil Muse Lily

    this is such a beautiful portrait of Poet. i think my fave until now. love everything about it. her expression, the light, the mixed prints… beautiful

  • Mother Down Under

    They really do grow up so quickly…too quickly. I have noticed my little man has lost his roundness…he is becoming more lean and angular…such a little boy.

  • Samantha Heather

    One of my favourite portraits of Poet for sure. You can really see the maturity in her now can't you. It's so wonderful and scary how they grow so fast

  • Cassandra Michelin

    What a stunning picture! She is so gorgeous!

  • Rhianna SG

    Lovely photo, she looks like she has a wise old soul in there

  • Kate


  • Steph @ this brown wren

    She is the absolute image of her Mumma! What a beautiful portrait. I saved my portraits in web and print folders towards the end of last year and gosh I wish I'd started sooner. Hope your Sunday is a lovely one 🙂 xx

  • Katrina@capturingmoments

    This took my breath away. Can I have hair like hers please? 😉 I do the same, saving my photos in "52 Project" folders like you, keeps me very organised. Do you still shoot on your Lumix GF1 at all?

  • Sam Stone

    Such a lovely photo and so lovely that your friend took it. I love seeing photos of my kids that other people take, it is like they capture another part of them. xo

  • remmus26

    This portrait is breathtaking!

  • mel @ loved handmade

    this is beautiful (they're always so beautiful) I love the colours in this one x

  • aluminiumgirl

    Really grown up here!

  • Mammasaurus

    Ah she's growing fast and really loving how peaceful she looks here x

  • laluuu

    Definitely a favourite. You can almost see a bit of the woman she will someday become. Luna. x

  • little daisy chains.

    Beautiful, I love the eye contact!

  • moose and bird

    Another amazing portrait of beautiful Poet. I trust your simple approach is carrying you through the first week of solo parenting. Thinking of you. Melinda x

  • dear olive

    Poet looks crazy grown up! Kellie xx

  • Mietta

    What a stunning portrait! Truly beautiful, capturing her faery wild sweetness. I save all my 52 project photos in a separate folder too, it makes things much easier : ) And thankyou for the photo love for my capture of Anaru last week, that big swirling Summer sky is something else : )

  • mummalove

    Oh my stars, such a divine portrait of Poet. Just beautiful x

  • Bron Maxabella

    That is an absolutely beautiful shot. Perfection. x

  • Imogen Eve

    Luisa is so talented. Stunning photo.

  • Kathy

    Jodi the picture is beautiful…. a moment captured of a little girl. Regards Kathy A, Brisbane, Australia

  • Max

    all that colour is easy on the eye, and isn't you little miss looking grown up all of a sudden x

  • Janelle

    Those eyes! Actually her clothes too, they're so gorgeous!

  • Sioned Hill

    How do you keep all your photos safe? I have a hard drive but after having one fail I'm still to afraid to delete anything and as a result I have no memory on my laptop! What's your solution?xxxx

  • Kelly Smith

    gorgeous! I love that shirt 🙂

  • lucy at dear beautiful

    What a beautiful portrait. Look at those gorgeous curls!
    I just discovered your link up, YAY! I've been sharing a weekly portrait of my two children since the new year (instead of daily photos which I've done the last two years) and I'm so excited to see other people's. x

  • Lottie :: Oyster and Pearl

    Love Luisa's work, and this is no exception. What serendipity!

  • Baba

    so beautiful! I love that photo


  • babbleoncity

    That is a stunningly beautiful photograph. What a very special gift.
    Jo :o)x

  • ...melody...

    Lovely shot! I love all the patterns Poet is wearing. 🙂

  • barbara

    stunning picture! i'm organizing my 52/2013 pictures and i really need a new way to save them! i'll follow your advice!

  • Matti

    The photo of Poet is beautiful! Just a note, that first photo of the child in the lake is actually of a boy. Loving your new space here on practisingsimplicity! -Matti

  • Jesi Anderson née Langdale

    Beautiful Jodi! Just beautiful!

  • Lori | Wild and Grizzly

    Such a perfectly captured moment and the sweetest of gifts. x

  • Courtney Kokus

    SO beautiful! This is one to print!

  • Jessica

    Beautiful, love the colours 🙂

  • Angela

    Stunning photo! Her eyes are beautiful.

  • ::The Beetle Shack::

    Poet is a true beauty xx

  • Christine

    so lovely!

  • Anne Hill

    Such an amazing portrait!

  • Victoria

    such a beautiful portrait.

  • Sarah C.

    I cannot get over the beautiful colors in this portrait! It's straight out of a storybook.

  • emma summer

    the colors here are incredible! what a gift that she will have these to look at when she is older.


  • megan

    It's funny, when I visited the page I right away recognized a subtle difference in her photo this week. As is ALL of your photos of Poet, this is such a beautiful capture – what a nice treat for you to step away from the camera and see her expression towards another photographers lens… makes me look forward for the family photos we'll be next week! Thanks so much for the mention of Lucy as well! (and I just finished up my 2013 Artifact Uprising book — I had organized my file names exactly as you're doing, made the process SO much easier!)
    Best, Megan

  • gracehill

    Oh my, that photo of your daughter is just lovely! The colors!

  • Jen@mysentimentaljamboree

    Unbelievable capture of Poet! Stunning!

  • growMama

    I saw that photo of poet in my bloglovin feed yesterday and it has just stayed with me. Beautiful.

  • bluebirdsunshine

    So natural, so adorable.

  • Jessica G.

    Such a beautiful moment captured!

  • Kalma Santai

    Your daughter has a timeless beauty. She is beautiful. I follow you from Spain and also participated in 52/52 project. Thanks for inspiring me.

  • Meryl & Russell McLendon

    Lovely, lovely lass! Once you get that Canon 6D, I'm curious how you compare it against the Mark iii. Thinking of upgrading and I'm weighing these two babies!

  • Lacey Horst

    this photo, so beautiful.

  • Jennifer Harr

    love artifact uprising!

  • Crystal

    Such a beautiful photo Xx

  • Lyn Stewart

    A beautiful photo but interestingly enough I think she looks at the camera differently in this shot wether it is because you are not taking it or something else. More confident, eyes deep into the lens, I love it!

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