30 days of gratitude : 8

On this day last year I looked like this:

At the time I felt puffy, heavy and slightly fed-up. I was close to 40 weeks pregnant and was happy to spend my time at home – day by day I internalised and became more focused on the imminent birth of my baby. That’s Daniel’s birthday present on the table…tomorrow is his birthday.

At the time I looked in the mirror and found it difficult to see any semblance of myself. I was sad about my stretch marks (Daniel says: “they’re sexy, like tiger stripes”) and I found it hard to believe that I would return to my ‘light’ self.

Why am I grateful?

Because now I look at that photo and see a beautiful, beaming pregnant woman so close to experiencing a joyous birth.

So thank you Daniel for capturing this moment so that in retrospect I can see the beauty that I was blind to.

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  • cindy

    That is a beautiful photo. It is funny how you now only remember the sweet stuff. Glen took a photo of me just before I gave birth (I had to have a caesarian so I knew when it was all happening) except his was a horrible angle and I just looked like a bloated blob, I had just go out of bed too. Daniel was good to you.

  • potty mouth mama

    Oh my goodness, you look wonderful. There’s nothing more sensual than a pregnant woman! You look like you were in full bloom – gorgeous.

  • emma

    oh so beautiful!

  • Kel

    You looked beautiful in full bloom Jodes, this photo is a perfect representation of exactly how you looked. (except your not in ‘the’ purple dress!)


  • Amber Cardozo

    I remember this…you were beautiful then and now…
    Your man in god and you deserve it.

    Love amber

  • Ellieboo

    I am really enjoying your 30 days of gratitude – its good to reflect on the simple pleasures in our lives. Beautiful photo!

  • kate

    This is such a beautiful photo! You look just radiant!

    Thanks for all days of gratitude so far, I am really enjoying them and noticing all the things I have to be grateful for in my own life.

  • handmade romance

    What a beautifully captured moment in time. You look gorgeous!

  • Bird Bath

    beautiful,dreamy photo.

  • ella

    this is a gorgeous photo of you. voluptuous and full bellied. just how i always imagined i would look pregnant and yet there i was 6 months into it, a waif and barely showing. where were the curves i wondered?
    i think i wouldn’t have taken my eyes off you if i’d seen you pregnant.

  • Lynet Sandoval Witty

    lovely lovely photo! it's a very rare occasion where hubby captures me at my core that I feel just like you. where you don't like yourself but to everyone else you're beautiful.
    kudos to your husband for capturing such a beautiful sight.

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