30 days of gratitude : 15

Thankfully we are all on the mend and getting ready for tomorrow’s celebrations. These marshmallow creatures are making an appearance, as is a baby goat named Victor. My little cowboy is getting ready to eat cake, yell Hip Hip Hooray and remind everyone, with absolute certainty, that he is going to be 1 (index finger pointed to the sky).

These little boots…I couldn’t resist them. I’ll keep them forever. Gratitude today for little boots and little feet to fill them.

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  • potty mouth mama

    Those little marshmallow creatures are AWESOME!!

    And the boots – it goes without saying, I dig ’em, big time. Especially ’cause I’m a country girl. Yeeeehaaaaaaaaaa!

    Get your lasso out girl, and capture all those memories tomorrow. Can’t wait to see some pics of your little guy. x

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