
“A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013.”
Che: It was 38degrees at 7:30pm so we went to the ocean for relief. He noticed my camera; “Quick mum, just a few photos.” I got it first go…and then he was gone. 
Poet: Fill the watering can, take it to the sand toys, dump the water, repeat (frilly swimwear mandatory). 
Goodness, you have all left me in awe. As I mentioned in an update of 1/52 I expected there to be about 40 or so readers linking up to the 52 project…..it seems I was wrong. Over 300 of you have chosen to take part and from what I can gather, you are all thrilled to be involved. The very essence of blogging is community and it’s heartwarming to see it here.
Every week I’ll be choosing my five favourite portraits from those linked. From 1/52 I absolutely adored Ruby’s painted portrait of her son Casper / Jenny’s belly (I can’t wait to see if there’s a baby in her post this week) /  sur ma colline’s nostalgic and moody shots of her children (so very French) / the way Jo captured the grey (her prose and her intention too) /  Sarah’s three beautiful boys at the beach.
Artist Rebekka Seale is joining in on the project by photographing 52 people who are important to her, starting with her beloved Manley. Rebekka created a button just for this project and you are more than welcome to place it on your sidebar (just right click to save and then upload the image). The first button is 250px, the second is 170px.
To add your blog for 2/52 just press the “read more” button below….the link is there.



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  • Lil Muse Lily

    your beaches look absolutely beautiful. great blogs bring great blogging communities. 🙂 thank you for hosting

  • Ally

    What a hot day! and what better way to spend it then at the beach! Would love to join you in the 52 challenge. I have been reluctant to do so because I am certainly no photographer but think its such a great way to document our chidren through the year. Thank you for opening this up to the blogging community. Ally

  • Vanessa

    Gosh these are beautiful Jodi. Kian goes back and forth filling his little red bucket hoping to fill a little hole in the sand. Needless to say, he goes back and forth more than a few times. So great to watch. It's like meditating. x

  • Jess

    I just love seeing the beachy photos from Australia. We're having a chilly rainy wintry week here in Minnesota, US.

  • JoKnows

    Beautiful photos of your sweet kids! Thanks for hosting. This is fun! So jealous of the beach right now though… 😉

  • Claire

    Just gorgeous photos Jodi x

  • seamlessdays

    Such precious photographs. I wish it were warm enough here for a day by the sea. Thank you again for hosting this. It is really stretching me, and I can't wait to see what a collection I'll have at the end of the year.

  • Meagan

    Beautiful shot of Che- the texture of the beach is so vivid. xx m.

  • Kate

    Beautiful photographs. I find this whole idea so fascinating, I love seeing lives and journeys mapped out like this. I'm not a photographer either, but I love having a reason to capture my little ones just doing what they're going in a moment that would otherwise be forgotten. So looking forward to seeing this progress…

    Love, Kate @ Just Pirouette and Carry On…

  • kacie @ mama case

    simply beautiful.


  • Jennifer

    Stunning pictures, it looks so beautiful where you live! Thank you so much for hosting the 52 project, I am having so much fun taking portraits of my daughter every week and its been so fun discovering all these new blogs!

  • oscarlucinda

    Oh Ruby's was my favourite too. So clever x

  • Sarah Raaen

    Beautiful portraits, Jodi. I love a good beach shot – and these are simply stunning.
    I love Che's expression (& those shorts!) and Poet, well she makes my heart melt…I can hardly believe this is the baby from last years 52.

    Sar x

  • ::The Beetle Shack::

    Love Rebekkas idea!

    xo em

  • Pink Ronnie

    I'm not surprised one bit!
    I love what Che said! He obviously knows what mummy likes to do. 🙂
    The heat was crazy. I'm glad we all got through it…
    Ronnie xo

  • Megan.K.

    The heat has been crazy up here too… still going on the 35-40C days. This heatwave isn't letting up.
    Love Che's expression: "Just let me swim, Mum!"

  • Christina Lowry

    Love that he asks you to take his photo! Did he ever go through a camera shy phase? That is where my four year old boy is currently. Though he does ask me to take his photo sometimes when he is pulling funny faces, so that he can look at them and laugh. Funny dear boy! 🙂

  • Brenda @ Mira Narnie

    Jodi – this is such a wonderful project, I'm not i in the least surprised by the amount of bloggers that want to join. I love your beach shots, so calm and soothing on what must have been a very hot and tiresome day. wishing you wonders this weekend xx

  • Jane Hallisey

    SImply gorgeous shots of your kids, what better way to cool down after such a scorcher of a day!

    Its such a wonderful project, Im so glad to be taking part x

  • Steph @ this brown wren

    I love how he looks you straight in the eye. Just like my Bijou…maybe it's a first born thing. And Miss Poet's pouted lips as she concentrates on her "work" are just beautiful. Such a wonderful project to be part of. The community is lovely but also to really "look" at my babies and try to capture each and every little spark of their unique personalities. Thank-you! 🙂 x

  • Angels have Red Hair

    Your photos are gorgeous and so are your kids….I am loving this project.
    A professional photographer I most definitely am not…but I'll have fun trying 🙂

  • mel @ loved handmade

    frilly swimwear mandatory, I love it!! I've met some new and very lovely people through the 52 project this week, fun! x

  • Iliska Dreams

    Che looks so serious and so mature. Love how this idea is linking up so many people in Blogger Land.

  • ashley

    Che's photo is breathtaking. that tide…x ashley

  • Greer

    Is there anything better than an evening ocean swim? Beautiful photos as ever, Jodi. xx

  • sarah

    thank you so much for the creation of such a beautiful project Jodi … capturing moments and memories and being part of a wonderful community is so special x

    ps. your also getting me super organised with the downloading of my images xx

  • Catherine

    Poet is adorable in that photo Jodi. xx

  • kandice

    such beautiful children

  • sofia and otto's playground

    Has anyone created a photo book from a blog before?
    I am wondering about the print image resolution and whether I should be organising high res copies of the blog images I am using now (to save grief later on).

    Loving all the portraits 🙂

    • Jodi

      Most definitely save a web version and a print version. Your blog only uses low-res images x

  • Capturing Moments

    These are so lovely, I especially love Poet's portrait this week. And Rebekka's idea is lovely!

  • Amanda

    Breathtaking shots Jodi – the one of Che is truly magical with the way the water is retreating behind and Poet working away with her watering can is such a sweet photo x

  • jay

    that is amazing, 300, wow. you must be so excited. i can't wait to check out your picks each week. xx

  • Rhiannon

    I love Poets little curls poking out under her hat *sigh* so cute

  • Kate

    That portrait of Che is one of my favorites – I will never tire of the intense stares! 😉 Thank you again for linking us all… so fun to find a community of people through this project x

  • Yellow Finch Designs

    so well captured jodi. in the portrait of che you can feel the movement of the water! and his eyes are so captivating.

  • Flourish

    Lovely portraits.

  • Victoria

    These photos are divine.

  • Hello Sisilia

    These portraits are stunning, Jodi.
    You've got beautiful children.


  • sascedar

    the movement in the photo of che is just incredible, Jodi. I only got through about 70 visits last week, hope to see more this week :)sarah

  • Helen Peters

    Poet is just gorgeous Jodi! Lovely shot.

  • look see

    Lovely portraits as always Jodi – love that you can see the lines of sand and water traveling past Che in the first photo! It's so brilliant that so many bloggers are participating in this project – I'm not surprised they are, it's such a lovely idea! I love Rebekka's take on it as well – a nice idea for those of us who don't have children! 🙂

  • dear molly

    It's a perfect day when one spends time at the shore.
    Loving that image of Poet!

  • Bek

    Hi Jodi! Stunning pictures of your children as always. It really looks as though Che is about to take off- you can see it in his eyes! I have decided to dust off my blog and join in a little late. THanks for hosting this little community!

  • dear olive

    LOVE that shot of Che. Kellie xx

  • thedotsfamily

    Oh la la ! thank you for your link to Sur ma colline ! You are right, this enthousiasm about this blog project is joyful (comprared to the sadness of the world at the moment). I hope you can't hear my french accent by reading me… xx Marie from Sur ma colline

  • Jess Myheartisyourhome

    I love the photo of Che… the back ground looks amazing and he looks so wise xx

  • abigailemily

    I'm so glad I joined in with this project, I've discovered so many lovely blogs through it, and of course have seen such inspiring photography too!

    Love these two portraits, they look so at home!

  • fritha strickland

    I wasn't at all surprised to see how many people joined in. I've loved seeing your project all last year and I'm really enjoying seeing all these new blogs to read! Isn't this what blogging is really about? So lovely 🙂 xx

  • Anna @ green tea n toast

    Oh how I live my old Australian life vicariously through your photos Jodi. I can feel that sand, sun and sea. Lovely. And just WOW to how popular this project has become. Amazing x

  • Laura

    The capture of Che is beautiful. I love the contrast of the relaxed beach environment with his pensive expression.

    x Laura

  • little miss olive

    i just love that photo of che — with the water behind…it's beautiful. thank you for inspiring so many photos from so many people — i am loving this challenge! (and looking at all the other portraits, too)

  • Caroline

    Hi Jodi, I've decided to join in (1 week late). I've got four little boys, so this is really going to be quite a challenge. xx

    • Jodi

      …but just imagine the reward when you reach 52/52! x

  • Erica

    I've decided to join in, late perhaps, but here nonetheless. I found, last year, that when your weekly portraits poped up in my reader, I was always uplifted by the love that came shining through your images. Happy to be joining in too, celebrating the loves we share. Looking forward to revisiting these images of my girl a year from now and seeing how true it is that time is like lightening.

  • Amber {we stood together}

    What a beauriful beach shot of Che. I do love that he prompted you to get the photo done, so he could go and play. My Finn says similiar things 🙂

  • jody

    Linking up a little late this week. Beach themed too!!

    I love Rebekka's idea too!

    Happy week to you lovely.


  • Kylie

    I am not surprised that this is as popular as it is.
    I love the look Che is giving you. His eyes say it all really and love a girl in frills.

  • Reply

    gorgeous pictures Jodi. I am still trying to decide whether to join in! xx

  • Sarah

    Jodi I am so flattered you selected my pictures from last week! Thank you so much. I am enjoying this project so much and discovering some beautiful blogs in the process as well. Thank you!

  • ema

    Poet's curls falling in her face somehow make that picture for me.
    This really is a wonderful project. Cheers!

  • Juliet Foster

    Your photos are simply stunning. I'm enjoying this project so much. It's been amazing looking through everyone's portraits. thank you again.

  • unfounddoor

    Lovely photos. I too am not surprised how popular it's been – everything moves so fast (in general, especially with a toddler;) that it is so nice to be conscious of and preserve moments like these.

  • Lea

    What a wonderful turn out Jodi. So many joining in. How I would love to wear frilly swimwear.

  • Sarah

    This is so great, i've already found some more blogs to read along. I love a happy link up and a nice blog community. Thanks so much for letting us all get involved!

  • kelly

    how different our seasons today jodi. i feel quite envious looking at che and poet in all that warmth as we sit by the fire keeping cosy. enjoying this project so much and discovering new blogs every day…wonderful! x

  • {jaclyn}

    The 52 project has spread like wildfire! I have come across quite a few blogs that have started it and haven't linked up. Crazy viral! 🙂

  • Ruby Hoppen

    Wow Jodi, Thank you so very much for including me in your top 5 for last week. I am humbled. It's a great project and I am delighted to be taking part!

  • loopyg

    I echo the same as Kelly (link 66). Its snowing here and I want to be on your beach RIGHT NOW. Gorgeous little people, and fantastic photos. I am so happy to be a part of this project x

  • Jo

    Your children are so beautiful, Jodi.

    The ripples that the waves have left in the sand make the world seem like it's moving so fast and Che is perfectly still, even if just for a moment. Poet looks so lovely in the middle of her very deliberate actions. Sometimes it shocks me that she's up walking, running, looking more and more like a little lady and less like a baby. I began following your blog when you were pregnant with her and it seems like that wasn't so long ago. You're very smart to have started this project to document these years.

    When I saw that you had mentioned me, I blushed for so long. You are so kind to have done that.

    My best,
    Jo Farmer

  • Dearest Lou

    the weather looks so nice there and your children were captured so beautifully!

  • Ann

    What a blessing is it to live by the coast! I wish our family did so we could get some relief from the heat during the summer : )

  • krysta

    I linked up finally!! I really love these series and I also love your blog! Good job!

  • jasmine

    Gorgeous. I especially love Poet's portrait. It's stunning! I'm so excited to be participating in this project! 🙂

  • Reply

    I've linked up after admiring your series of portraits all last year. I did a similar thing for my son during the first year of his life (a photo each week and every month, until his first birthday) and am currently up to week 47 of my daughter's first year. It's such a lovely record. Thanks for sharing your images with us!

  • elflyn

    How very sweet is Poet's frilly swimwear.
    We are wishing for the beach, maybe this week.
    Have a beautiful week, and thanks for stopping by last week.

  • Christy

    Love these two portraits! Leaves me wishing or the sunny! We live in sunny California but its cold here! It's been fun participating in your protect!

  • kell

    Goodness Jodi look at this community you've created! From little things hey…Beautiful pix as usual! Have a lovely week x

  • Bella Mills

    Hmmmm not many puppies up here. I don't have any children (yet). Puppies first! 🙂 Hope that's ok!
    Bella xx

  • annalisa

    ciao jody, i'm italian and i live in italy, i join to this fantastic project, thank you very much!!!! i love it!xxx

  • littlebigbell

    Beautiful images Jodi. Yearning for the warmth – it's snowing in London 🙂 x

  • Reply

    So impressed so many folks are doing this! Your photos are beautiful as always…inspiring me to get out and have some adventures with ours this week…

  • Kymmie

    Such beautiful shots. I'm loving this every week! x

  • Dre @ no frills mum

    Gorgeous shots of two gorgeous children! I love how the water ripples look as though they are moving, yet Che is perfectly still! Poet is beautiful as are her curls!

    Joining in from over at no frills mum…hoping to stick with this one all year so I have a record of my baby girls year! Look forward to seeing more of your photos!

  • Tisha

    Such a beautiful post and images! As I am watching the snow fall I am sitting here dreaming of Summer and beaches…Living vicariously.

  • Sharlene

    I love the movement of the water around Che as the tide recedes, and the light surrounding poet. Gorgeous photos, Jodi!

  • Yolanda Worley

    I'm so excited to be part of this project! All the way from South Africa I get to participate in this with hundreds of other bloggers from all around the world. Thank you for hosting such an amazing project.

  • MeetTheCohens

    Oh Jodi, thanks for the much needed prompt… Awesome pics everyone!

  • rhon

    What a lovely linky! I cannot wait to join up next week. This is a fantastic idea.

  • stateofimagination

    Is it too late to join? I started first week too, but only found my way here today. Haha. Started because of Bleubird. : )

  • pinkmustacheenbullerbue

    Hey Jodi, such an amazing idea your project 52, I will join too, although it's alittle bit late…it's my project 46 then… ;-)… xx

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