
“A portrait of my daughter, once a week, every week, in 2014.”

Poet: why catch butterflies when you can see the world through a pink coloured lens/net? (ISO 100, f2.8, 1/500)
I wonder if she’ll pull dramatic expressions the entire year?
A big thank you for such an enthusiastic start to The 52 Project! Many of you mentioned that you fell off the wagon last year and are really determined to see the project through to week 52 in 2014. A few weeks ago Bron left a comment that may resonate with you: “I’m so glad you introduced me to this marvellous thing. Plod, plod, plod and then suddenly – a year of photos organised so neatly week by week. Never in my life!” And that’s exactly why I started an achievable 52 project in lieu of an overwhelming 365! I knew one photo a week was possible and so I set myself a deadline of Sunday morning and sure enough I had the photos ready every single week. It really is a matter of “plod, plod, plodding” and then, all of a sudden, you’re at the finish line!
You’ll find that there will be weeks where you’re feeling uninspired and complacent and that’s ok. My suggestion? Get outside, go for a walk and take your camera with you. If you’re stuck inside with sick kids and a messy house then document that, too – it’s a universal “life with small kids” scene, after all.
I’ve had quite a few questions about the project and I thought it best to answer them here.
Q: Do I have to use a DSLR or is an iphone ok?
A: There are no rules! Document the moment with whatever you have at hand.
Q: I don’t have a blog but I’m on instagram, can I post my portraits there?
A: Yes! Feel free to link to me @practisingsimplicity and hashtag #the52project
Q: I don’t have children but I want to take part in the project, is that ok?
A: Of course. Some of you have already explained that you’re photographing friends, landscapes, pregnancy, mothers, your marriage – anything goes.
Q: Will you be making a photobook with your portraits from 2012 and 2013?
A: Yes, it’s one of my projects that I’m going to do while Daniel is away. I’m printing my books with Artifact Uprising and will write a post on the process and finished product.
Q: Is there a 52 button I can paste on my sidebar?
A: There will be, very soon. I should have it ready in the next week or so.
Whilst I had every intention of linking to my favourite portraits from 1/52, I’ve decided to start next week instead. Daniel leaves tomorrow and as I’m sure you can understand, I want to spend every moment I can with him. Deep breaths.



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  • Sass Spice

    Good luck with the 'goodbyes' tomorrow. It's going to be tough for sure but we'll be counting down the days with you…


  • Lil Muse Lily

    loving Poet's portrait. good luck tomorrow anf for the next few months to come.

  • Kristina

    Gorgeous portrait! Love Poet's expression and the flowers in behind. Best wishes for your goodbyes.

  • Momista Beginnings

    That pink is the perfect POP of color! Looks almost as if she's blowing a giant gum bubble. I participated in your project last year and this is the first time I've left you a comment. Just wanted to express how glad I am that you're continuing again this year. Your portraits and the hundreds of others joining, inspire not only my photography but the activities I do with my daughter! Thanks for being inspirational 🙂 Misty @ http://www.momistabeginnings.com

  • Preeti Dubey

    Beautiful shot, Jodi!

  • Marian Hazel

    Oh Jodi – I'm terrible at those goodbyes too. But 12 weeks is longer than I've ever had to deal with. I truly hope your support net/village hold you close and he'll be back before you know it! Funny photo of Poet- what a character!

  • Lottie :: Oyster and Pearl

    Good luck with the goodbyes. Must be equally exciting and daunting. I think the key is good planning: plenty of grocery deliveries, lots of playdates for the kids and evening dates for you. Best of luck x

  • Katrina@capturingmoments

    Enjoy your day as a family and try not to over think. Maybe say 'see you soon!' Instead of goodbye 🙂 big hugs xxx

  • Mother Down Under

    I love that portrait.
    Enjoy your time as a family…and whenever my husband leaves I always take solace in that fact that, for better or worse, time passes so quickly and he will be home before I know it.

  • Bec - Mumma Tells

    Such personality and life, sweet Poet!
    Wishing you much happiness and love while you navigate your way through the next little while. X

  • Janey G

    oh jodi firstly that picture is sublime and secondly big hugs for tomorrow!

  • moose and bird

    Such a beautiful capture of Poet. Although I don't know your sweet girl she seems so full of life and personality. May simplicity guide you through the next 3 months as a single parent. Warmest wishes. Melinda x

  • Steph @ this brown wren

    Wishing your beloved the grandest of adventures and lots of little, happy ones for you and your babies while he's away. xxx

  • Lisa Stirling

    can't wait to see the new 52 Button, hope you have a wonderful day with your hubby x

  • Milina O

    I love this portrait of Poet. It shows a side I'm not sure I've seen of her yet. And the frame of hydrangeas is just perfect. wishing you all well over the coming weeks xo

  • mascaraandmud

    I hate the goodbyes too. Great portrait x

  • Sam Stone

    Hope everything goes well tomorrow xo

  • Cath @mybeardedpigeon

    Oh, tomorrow will be sad, but I think you will surprise yourself at how much you learn about yourself in the next 3 months. Xx

  • emma

    Gorgeous photo…she looks like she's in a pink bubble! Thinking of you, must be going through so many emotions right now. I must say, you're being much braver than I would be! Sending you all our love, we will see you soon, xxxx

  • Jessica G.

    Beautiful photo!

  • Victoria

    what a beautiful photo.

  • Kathy

    Jodi, I love that photo and the pink net and the blue flowers behind are beautiful. My daughter had a butterfly net and she loved playing with it too. Looks like you have a huge following with your "52 Project" this year. Regards Kathy A, Brisbane, Australia

  • Ritz G

    Gorgeous capture as always…goodbyes are hard, but there will be welcome home hugs and kisses soon too. xxx

  • Lucy W

    Thinking of you tomorrow. I have always hated goodbyes but since having children I feel them more keenly as they do too. But what a wonderful thing for your children to be able to share adventures and stories of lands and cultures afar. What an enrichment and education for them when he returns. I didn't realise I could do the 52 project via Instagram as I don't have a blog! Yay! I'm going to start next week! Can I still be a private user or do I need to make my profile public?

    • Jodi

      It's so nice to know that there's so many mumas out there thinking of me/us – means a lot! No, you don't have to make your profile public…but if you tag me I'll follow you so I can see your portraits x

  • mel @ loved handmade

    she's such a character Jodi x

  • little daisy chains.

    This is the silliest portrait of Poet I have seen yet! I love it

  • Alison June

    I was separated from my husband due to work travel on and off for the first 9 or so months after my fourth little one was born. It was so, so hard in the beginning but it did get easier. You'll find your way and mark out your own little path for yourself and your little ones.
    You have such a beautiful space here for distraction and support if you need it. As a long time reader of simple living/minimalist websites I was super excited to see your transition and look forward to seeing it evolve as the days go by.
    Sending you comfort, peace and warm hugs.

  • Louise

    What a great photo!!
    I just posted a little today about my fiance going away for 5/6 months – I'll only see him on weekends. We have 2 weeks of 'us time' before he goes, and we are making the most of it!!
    I'm one of the few joining in the 52 weeks without kids, I was worried about taking part without children, but I'm really glad I decided to give it a go!!

  • Kate

    This is pure magic! Romanticism at its finest! She belongs in a fairytale, that beautiful Poet of yours x

  • Iliska Dreams

    I can totally understand how you are feeling. It is a strange feeling, Justin photographed a school in Cambodia for charity in October, came home for a few days then went to Hong Kong with his family. It was back to when I was a single Mum again. Your heart will miss Daniel more than you know, but you will find a grove to move in while he is gone.

  • Shari Wakefield

    Thanks for hosting this series – I watch a lot of other bloggers take part in it last year and this year I am getting involved, snapping photos of Mr Moo as he grows and changes and I am very grateful for this opportunity. Shari from http://www.goodfoodweek.blogspot.com

  • Katie

    Fantastic shot. You get such a taste of Poets personality from it!

  • freckles

    What a wonderful portrait of Poet, i think it will definitely be a contender for my favourite this year. Sending you love & strength for the next 12 weeks xx

  • Katie

    Btw Jodi, do you still have the badge/ pin that links back to the project? I cant find it. Katie

    • Jodi

      I'm having a new button designed…it will be ready in the next few weeks x

  • Dre @ no frills mum

    Firstly another great photo of Poet, so full of personality! My hubby works interstate 5days a week so I can relate somewhat to your current situation. All the best for tomorrow and the next 12 weeks. x

  • Erica

    Oh, lovely photo this week. Wishing you peace, calm, and patience for the next three months. What a (totally daunting!!) adventure.

  • Angela

    Wow! I haven't seen a butterfly net for years. A lovely photograph.

  • babbleoncity

    Absolutely beautiful photo. I love the lone daisy over Poet's right shoulder.
    Thanks so much for hosting this fab creative endeavour.
    xx Jo @ BabbleOn City blog xx

  • Lori | Wild and Grizzly

    Gorgeous pic! I often do solo stints as my husband works away a lot – although never as long as you're about to experience. Good luck and remember to take those precious 'me' moments where you can grab them, they give you the ability to keep sane and laugh in the face of whatever may come x


  • Bridie @ Miss And Misters

    Such a lovely shot. As a couple of the commenters have posted, being apart does get easier, but it's still hard all the same. It is exciting, though, to discover all this extra strength and capability and calmness inside you you never knew you had. It'll be an adventure for you, too.

  • blogalacart.com

    I so enjoyed this project last year. And I really loved going back and reviewing the 52 weeks. It was so enlightening! You can see my full post here about it, but it taught me so much about myself as a photographer and how I capture my children: http://blogalacart.com/2014/01/the-52-project-2013/ xo

  • Yellow Finch

    These colors are captivating!!
    Thinking of you.

  • Shannon

    Joining for the first time (found this idea on teh interwebz late last year and decided to join in this year!). The portrait of your daughter from this week looks so fun and whimsical – like a garden fairy hanging out in her element! Love the way you capture your daughter's spirit while also capturing a marvelous photo!

  • Jesi Anderson née Langdale

    Best! Absolutely love this portrait Jodi, and praying for Daniel's safe trip and for your health during these next months!

  • TOI

    i love her free spirit character.

  • Josephine

    Very special photo!
    May the force be with you today and all the days that follow till Daniel's safe return.

  • Meryl & Russell McLendon

    Ha! Gave me a good laugh. Love to see her silly side. Wishing you strength for today. I suspect your Daniel will come back with the most exciting and exotic tales!

  • Hanna

    A beautiful image as ever. I really enjoyed picking mine this week. I love how much this project gives me something to work towards and even if it is for 20 minutes, once a week, it makes me consider my day to day life with my son with a little more mindfulness. Thank you

  • Anne Hill

    Oh the photo is priceless!

  • Sammy

    Super excited about doing this project this year!!!

  • Bridie

    All the best for this time apart from your partner.

    Thank you so much for this project, I'm really loving being involved and learning more about photography and editing – Bridie from http://www.onecraftymorning.blogspot.com

  • Trisha

    hello 🙂
    I'm 12 and I've been a reader of your blog since last year. I really loved the creative idea of the the 52 project and this year I thought I'd participate in it (for my little brother ^^). I'd be delighted if you'd have a look.
    thank you! x

    • Trisha

      p.s- I added my link on InLinkz too! it's on the 2nd page.

  • bluebirdsunshine

    What a cutie!

  • gracehill

    Such a beautiful photo!

  • Cassandra Michelin

    Such a gorgeous shot, she is such a cutie!

  • Kaylan

    Amazing portrait! Love this.

  • clealala

    this portrait is just amazing. so girlie, so drama, so pink

  • Jenna Guizar

    So beautiful 🙂 Thanks for clarifying some of those questions — and thank you so much for hosting such an inspirational link-up. I love finding new blogs and beautiful photos every week 🙂

  • Courtney Smith

    I too will be joining in on this again this year. I fell off the bandwagon sharing my link here, but I intend to keep up on that better this year as well. Thanks so much for the inspiration to do this! I love looking back on all the kiddos, and making a book of it is an even greater idea! thanks so much 🙂

  • Rute Jacinto

    Hi, I will be joining this year, I started today. Thanks for the inspiration! You can visit me on: http://cozinhafresh.blogspot.pt/
    Kiss 🙂

  • emma summer

    is there a twitter hashtag for the project?

  • Jennifer Harr

    Beautiful photo of your daughter! I'm enjoying my 52 week project and seeing what you have in store each week….and many other lovies joining in!! Thanks for the encouragement!

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