
“A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013.”
Che: Begging to play battleships on the iPad. 
Poet: In the winter garden, cake crumbs on her lips (bonnet by Dover & Madden, cardigan by babaa). 
We are so close to winter now; the light has changed, the shadows are darker, the chill has arrived.
My friend Tim messaged me a few weeks ago after he’d spent a good while clicking on your portrait links. “There are some incredible people taking part in your portrait series. They’re unknown to me but I love their work.” In a few days time Tim and his beautiful family will fly north to spend five weeks in the UK and Europe. He’s shooting a wedding in country England and he’s hosting his rather famous The Nursery in London on June 19th. If you’re in or around London and want to learn more about shooting on manual, engaging with your subject and taking better photos, I highly recommend it. You can read my review of The Nursery here and if you want to book, go here.
I met beautiful Tara when she attended The Creatives and since then I have been floored by her photos. This shot of her son, Ba’il, is unforgettable / Beautiful children in a loving home (regardless of the misery of a virus!) / I adore Victoria’s portraits; the light, mood and composition / blue eyes, green eyes; windows to the soul / oh beauty! – magical light behind these brothers.


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  • Lou Archell

    Oh winter woollies. I love to see them, but don't miss them. Today the sun has shone! I'd love to take part in Tim's nursery… maybe. x

  • Mammasaurus

    Such lovely light again, it's been awfully dull weather wise this week here and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that some glorious sunshine heads our way soon. Poet looks so sweet and delicate, the one thing that shines through every week is just how content and gentle your children are x

  • Lil Muse Lily

    i am very well acquainted with the begging for the ipad. usually for toca boca. Poet has the most beautiful bonnets i have seen. happy weekend to you all

  • Nell

    I love seeing the change in light in your photographs Jodi, and in mine too as we begin to see a little more sunshine.

    I cannot wait for Tim's workshop. I know i'll learn so much and it'll be a wonderful experience. Roll on June! xx

  • Laura

    I wish I could go to the Nursery, it sounds amazing. Next time, maybe. Love Poet's hat!

  • Sarah

    I absolutely love you and your children's sense of style they are so gorgeous.

  • Nat

    Beautiful photos as always Jodi. Thank you again for hosting such an inspiring link-up. Oh to have my SLR all fixed up, I really miss it, especially when Sunday arrives along with your portraits. xx

  • Norfolk Exposure

    I didn't join this project because I discovered it too late…but like Tim, I love checking out everyone's photos and I'm always amazed (and envious) at the talent and skill of so many mammas. Your photos are lovely…as always Jodi. I hope you run this project next year…so I can hop on board.

  • Reply

    Cake crumbs on lips – too precious.

    Would love to attend the Nursery… Fingers crossed x

  • Brenda @ Mira Narnie

    oh we sure are approaching winter! The frosty mornings and my kids just love being about to "see their breath" as they talk and giggle all the way to school! Poets bonnet is gorgeous! And I agree…all London folk keen to learn about taking great images should go to Tim's The Nursery…it's amazing xx

  • Reply

    Babies in snuggly wool is just al kinds of lovely! Hope your Sunday is beautiful 🙂 xx

  • Kym Piez

    Oh, I couldn't agree more! While my photos are so very amateur, I am impressed by some people's natural talent, or their 'unknown' experience. I too, love visiting each site and seeing what their children have been up to, and how it has been beautifully captured.

    Winter has set in in Melbourne, and we are all wearing our long socks, scarves and heavy jackets. xx

  • Reply

    Che's pleading hands and arms! I wonder whether he ended up playing the game or not?
    I also love your Poet wearing her Dover and Madden collection of hats. So lovely.

    • Jodi

      He gets to play it for 15mins a day! As for the D&M hats – oh I know, so beautiful. Poet puts one on each time we leave the house x

  • Serendips

    I am looking forward to when Tim does another Hobart workshop.

    Winter has certainly set in down here and the wind is amazingly wild.

  • Catherine

    Such pleading eyes Che has in this photo and sweet Poet has such a grown up look in this photo:) Wishing you a wonderful week Jodi. xx

  • Lisa

    Thanks so much for sharing our photo. Really loving this project looking forward to the end of the year and putting them all together x

  • Kirsty

    Loving how cosy Poet looks in that beautiful warm bonnet!

  • Briseidy

    so pretty! as usual 🙂

  • Ingrid Seedsman

    Gorgeous photos Jodie. How I love your style. Your children are always so well dressed.
    I am having the same battle with my Ryder with the ipad.
    He loves Starwars!

    • Jodi

      "Computer time" really is such a battle. He plays Reading Eggs and Mathletics and the occasional game of Battleships but I am standing my ground on computer/video games – not in my home! Perhaps what is most difficult about the computer/iPad scenario is that Daniel and I both spend a lot of time on our computers. It's how we work and create and explaining that it isn't "necessary" is challenging when, in reality, it is necessary for us.

      When Che started school the principal said that 70% of the jobs that the kindergartens would end up in haven't even been invented yet. Such a fascinating and equally frightening thought. What we do know is that computers will play a vital role in those professions. I go round and round in circles thinking about it when really it's simple – he is 5, he doesn't need to be on the computer.

      End of essay 😉 x

    • Megan.K.

      We fight the same battles, Jodi.
      Especially when, like you and Daniel, Alex and I both must work/create on the screen.
      Interesting insight from Che's teacher… It really is an amazing time we live in, and they are born into.

  • Ingrid Seedsman

    Totally agree 100% Jodie! X

  • Alyna Higgs-James

    Thankyou for sharing my portraits and for encouraging us to capture those precious moments.

  • kell

    Your little people look too warm and cozy Jodi, gorgeous!

  • tea with lucy

    The 'iron-pad' (as elliot calls it) has been getting an absolute flogging around here. For once, I'm going with it and appreciating the space it gives me.

    rachel xo

    • Jodi

      you've got the best excuse, Rach. Give Oscar a cuddle from me x


    look forward to checking in on sundays. Loving the 52 project community you have created…

  • Belinda

    I love winter knits and your babes x

  • Max

    love getting the kids in knits, turns them into cuddly teddies, and yours are no exception!

  • Gaby

    Oh, I think Clementine might need a beanie like that. Although she doesn't really seem to suit hats yet, poor girl 😉 x

  • Dee

    It's true…there is mega-talent here.
    (I feel entirely out of my depth!)
    It also helps that all the subjects are mega-beautiful though~~ 🙂

  • Em

    Yippee for nearly winter!!
    And I was lucky enough to attend The Nursery with Tim the other week here in Perth.
    I am looking forward to my photos starting to look the way I see them in my mind! 😉

  • Erica

    I can definitely see the change in the light. It's clearer, a little more cool, isn't it? Lovely sweater weather, regardless.

  • petal and plume

    such a beautiful, precious blog you have. thank you for opening your world and heart to us!


  • Mandi Ashcroft

    Autumn is a season of defused light, outdoor play and winter woolies. It feels like all the leaves have taken up residence in miss 3's basket. I finally got around to doing a link to my favorites this week on the blog. Such a great project to build community, share our stories and get involved thanks for creating the space for such creativity.

  • Yellow Finch

    how do you say no to that face 🙂

  • Annie

    Such beautiful children! As you say, you can really see the seasons changing in the lighting. Thanks so much for highlighting the photos of my 2 boys this week- what a fun surprise!

  • Reply

    Winter woolies are wonderful aren't they?! x

  • Maxabella

    I'm such a latecomer this week! Nearly at 200! x

  • Bella Mills

    I hope you're not too tired of my links with my furry children. Sometimes it is difficult to for me to plan my weekly 52 project post. Each month I wait and silently wish for the sign that I will join the mama club. Each passing month brings a heaviness that I cannot explain with mere words. These portraits help me to deal with this sadness, each angelic face from this project gives me renewed hope.
    Bella @ Sea and Salt xx

    • Jodi

      Oh Bella, much love to you. I always offer one word to women who are trying to conceive: surrender. x

    • Bella Mills

      Thank you Jodi. I have thought about this and I think you're right. There's so much I am thankful for in my life that I need to calmly acknowledge that this is not a battle for us, it's a blessing simply to be be able to try.
      Thank you for your thoughtful words.
      Bella xx

  • dear olive

    I think I forgot to add my link when I posted it … PRETTY sure I did, but I'm quite crazed these days so I'm sure you'l excuse me if it's in twice!
    Gorgeous wintery cusp photos of the kids this week, and I'm so loving the change in weather. Although typing this is proving tricky because my fingers are cold!
    Kellie xx

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