
“A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013.”
Che: He can whistle now and so he does, every day.
Poet: Before we leave the house she always needs a hat, some beads and a basket. She fills the basket to the brim; crayons, a doll, finger puppets, blocks, a wooden rabbit…

I’ve spent the past few weeks searching for a printing company to create my 52 book from 2012. From first glance at their mission statement Artifact Uprising impressed: “…inspired by the disappearing beauty of the tangible / bettered by a community of inspired storytellers / driven by the belief everyone has a story to tell. Tell on.”

I’ve decided to print a book of Che’s portraits and one of Poet’s, so they each have a photo-journal of their year. I’m also going to print a 104 page book that features both their portraits; a family coffee table book to treasure. When it comes to collating the photos, choosing the cover and waiting for the hard copy to arrive in the mail…well, that’s when I feel really grateful for taking a photo-a-week, every week, in 2012 (I’ll keep you updated with my progress).

This week I loved the dishevelled but endearing little cat (and her little brother) over at Blackbird has Spoken / a boy and his balloons – a simple scene so reminiscent of joyous childhood / Roland chasing cats – he is adorable / innocent faces and cosy hand knits, Amelia and Baden, beautiful youth / and a strawberry-stained beauty – Eve and her halo.



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  • Reply

    You have excellent taste in headwear.

    Really like the detail in these portraits: the ferns in front of Poet; Che's tree shadows.

    Always beautiful <3

  • JoKnows

    They are so sweet in their little hats…and her in her beads. What darlings. 🙂


  • Lil Muse Lily

    what a magnificent portrait of Che. i love to whistle too. love Poet's hat and beads also. i too have searched in order to do a 52 book for Lily, her first and am leaning towards artifact also. happy weekend!

  • Jane George

    oh boy these pictures are stunning jodi this week! every week your pictures blow me away, but really amazing this week! I had a totally unispired week i'm afraid…love the idea of a book! xxx

  • jasmine

    I love the picture of Che whistling! So beautiful. I'm really excited to create a book of portraits for 2013! Yours will be gorgeous.

  • Sarah

    You always capture the most beautiful light on your children.

  • Inês

    I adore Che portrait, relaxation,pop of color and his silhouette. So perfect!!

  • Suzie Williams

    I'm sure your books will be beautiful, you have such a way with light and lovely models! Like Lottie, I am also admiring the knitted hats!

  • Reply

    I love Artifact Uprising… Glad you've decided to go with them.

    This may be my favorite set of photos of yours yet… Especially the one of Che. I love love love it. I know he doesn't give you a lot of chances, so beautifully done mama, beautifully done!

    And, as always, thank you for hosting this wonderful project. It's been such a joy to be a part of.

    • Jodi

      It always fascinates me when people declare their "favourites" – thanks so much, I really value your opinion x

  • T'lia

    Love Che's shadow against the wall. Beautiful. 🙂

  • little sleep

    I adore these pictures! Amazing light, and even more amazing hats : )x

  • firulifirula.com

    love the poetry of your pictures

  • Lila Wolff

    Love how Poet's gorgeous milky skin really shows in this one and the lovely hats are reminding me to get my knitting needles out.
    Thank you for the mention, I really love how Eve has a halo in that shot too.

  • Mother Down Under

    They are so sweet in their hats.
    And I love the shadows in Che's portraits.

  • Rebecca Alexis

    Oh that little boy whistle, growing up and growing big! Love the light and dark outline of his shadow. Poet's face is framed so beautifully by her sweet knit hat. xo

  • schorlemädchen

    beautiful photos as always Jodi….Love the way you capture your kids. x

  • Greer

    I have two little girls who must ALWAYS bring a handbag full of stuff when they leave the house, and another who would give anything to be able to whistle (she fakes it with a very high-pitched hum) xx

  • Modern Day Mummying

    Love the book idea. I was thinking of doing something special for my girl too once this year is complete. My daughter is very much like Poet – beads, a watch, a little handbag filled with treasures except that her mama (me) always ends up carrying it around in the end.

    Sophie xo

  • Catherine

    I love this project for capturing moments we may forget, I love how you've captured Che whistling something he seems to enjoy since he has mastered it:) Love sweet little Poet in her hat and beads, I remember my little girls loving their beads. x

  • Reply

    Oh the wonder of learning to whistle! And little girls with baskets and wee bonnets are all kinds of lovely. Hope your Sunday is delicious 🙂 x

  • Pink Ronnie

    The shot of Che is absolutely stunning…
    Ronnie xo

  • Jana Miller

    Just love the shadow of your child's face on the wall 🙂
    Jana @ 333 Days of Hand Lettering

  • Lamb Fox

    I Love Artifact Uprising! There really isn't anything else like it around. although, I think the biggest book you can get it about 200 pages and I have a feeling I'm going to need more than that. So disappointing.

    • Jodi

      I think they're working on a 365 book so hold tight (and fingers crossed!) x

  • Reply

    Love the portrait of Che this week! X

  • Reply

    Oh I do love it when the weather gets cold enough for you to dress your two in knitted hats. They always looks so adorable and warm 🙂
    That portrait of Che is sensational. The shadow is perfect. Well done.
    Can't wait to hear your thoughts on your 2012 portrait books. I am soooo in love with my 366 2012 book (I printed mine via Blurb). It makes me both happy and proud when I look at it.

  • Astred*designcherry

    We are going through the same leaving the house ritual here too – each day it's something different but if we go out Archer insists a collection of objects accompany us. Last week he took his seal, 3 golden books and a 1/2 cup measuring cup to his Oma's house.

  • Dee

    I'm so pleased Poet's retained those delightfully shaped lips. They've always been utterly striking.

  • dear olive

    That photo is Che is amazing. Think it's my favourite, ever. Kellie xx

  • Max

    a whistle without the sound looks like a kiss being blown! and what a dear wee pixie that girl is!
    so pleased you liked the pic of my dog-eared girl as much as me x

  • sian

    love the sepia/colour contrast in the first shot. and the hats. i loved whistling when i was a kid and when my gran heard she always said 'a whistling girl and a crowing hen is good to neither god nor men". didn't stop me tho'! still whistling now. x

    • Jodi

      the sepia effect is a very low afternoon sun (in autumn) x

  • Brenda @ Mira Narnie

    Oh i love Che is this week's portrait! I thought you were initially just trying to capture his wonderful silhoutee in the afternoon shadow, but once I read your caption I can see that he is trying to whistle. And Poet…such a lady…of course one should never leave the house without a hat and beads! happy week to you all xx

  • Sass Spice

    The first shot is my favourite picture so far from your series. So beautiful!


  • look see (naomi)

    I look forward to your portraits every single week Jodi! Gorgeous as always. Love the idea of taking the 52 project from the internet and into your family's hands by getting a book printed. xx

  • Mammasaurus

    I need to go and buy a hat now! Beautiful photos, lighting, shadows and most of all – children xx

  • Maxabella

    Your team does cute knitted caps so well. x

  • Tokyonewbie

    So beautiful, all the shadows! xx


  • flyingjen

    The shadow in Che's portrait is beautiful. And I love Poets hat, she is super cute in her hat.

    I just did a photo book for Corrine from birth through Christmas 2012. I've also started a photo book from The 52 Project. Once a month I add the months pictures into the layout that I want and save it. That way I"m not spending hours (like I did with her baby book) trying to put it together. It takes just about 30 minutes or so to find a layout I like and then put the pictures in.

    • Jodi

      I had no idea you could create it/save it as you go…thanks for mentioning it x

  • Briseidy

    Che's expression, love it!

  • Diary of a Flutter.Kat

    Beautiful photos as always.
    Poet sounds just like my two, especially my youngest. Abbie always has to dress for the occasion and is notorious for having a little handbag of treasures. If I ever lose anything that is usually the first place I look. 😉

  • Lou Archell

    I've started my book with this company last week. I love the uncoated paper that it is printed on. Like a beautiful magazine. Yes I'm printing them one each. x

  • HPMcQ

    great hats!

  • Sarah Raaen

    Oh, I love the beanie & bonnet connection. Beautiful images.
    I've also been researching printing companies & AI's mission was enough for me – of course their products are beautiful too!

    Sar xx

    • Jodi

      ..it's a heartfelt mission isn't it?! And they have been a pleasure to deal with x

  • Sarah C.

    Your photography is so inspiring to me – light, crystal clear, amazing color tones and textures. And of course, your darling children are such perfect models. They have the most beautiful skin! I have so enjoyed following and being a part of Project 52.

  • Veronica

    hi jodi. linking up for the first time. i have been popping into this lovely community of 52 and been meaning for the past few weeks to join in. our children grow up fast. this is such a wonderful way to record. your che must be very proud of himself. i think little girls are notorious for leaving home with an arm full. it's not uncommon for our penny to have one of her guinea pigs in her handbag! enjoy your week.

    • Jodi

      lovely to have you here, Veronica x

  • Kelli Murray

    I created a book last year with Artifact Uprising documenting Rylee's first year of life. The quality is so beautiful and it's something i'll cherish forever. I couldn't recommend them more. I think I will do the same again this year with my photos from this 52 series!!

    xo Kelli

  • Kym Piez

    Love the shadows and whistles. Your little girl is so prepared! Love it. x

  • Tahnee

    oh che! this has to be one of my favourites of him – the light and shade is incredible x

  • Rebecca

    I'll be printing mine into photo books, too 🙂 I'm blogging mine privately on livejournal, but I'm thinking about doing it publicly next year!

  • rebucadoacido

    i think the first shot is very clever 🙂

  • thespunmonkey

    Ooh, very excited about the book printing recommendation! I'm looking forward to collecting all my posts into one volume as a family keepsake. And, btw, I think I'd like to carry around a basket like to what Poet carries around. I love all of those things. 🙂

  • Reply

    Aww, love that you are going to print a book. That's a great idea. It's going to be so special. It's going to be so much fun to look back. Even in the short time that I've been blogging it's been so special to watch the changes in my son. As they say, the days are long and the years are short. 🙂

  • Emily from LumiStyle

    What a beautiful idea this is, I have just stumbled upon your wonderful blog, I am so happy that I did, I can't wait to join in. What an inspiring way to capture these precious moments! Thank you, I will be back to link up soon 🙂

    • Jodi

      looking forward to seeing your first link x

  • tinyparticlesoflight

    Oh, those shadows! Wonderful shots.


  • Chloé

    I really like your photos and the whole concept of 52. So I just jump on the train – even a bit late…
    Here's my link http://frais-du-jour.blogspot.be/2013/05/152.html

  • sleepyummy

    joining late in the game…better late than never!

  • Tina

    Maybe it's the angle, but the bonnet Poet is wearing looks a little shark-y to me!

    • Jodi

      ha! It does, doesn't it! x

  • Britt S.

    I adore Poet in her colorful beads. My little Ruby would love them. Where are they from?

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