
“A portrait of my youngest children, once a week, every week, in 2016.”
Poet: her excitement is palpable, her floral overalls are exquisite (ISO400, f2.8, 1/640)
Percy: a belly begging for raspberries and a boy who is sleeping much better in the new house (ISO100, f2.8, 1/125)

And a few photography-related posts for your Sunday afternoon reading session:- shooting on manual for beginners
how to save and file your photos
ISO, aperture + shutter speed
photograph your kids without revealing their identity


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  • Reply

    Aww Poet does look so very very excited and I'm so glad for all you that Percy is sleeping better – sleep deprivation can be so tough!

  • Amanda K.

    Ah! So glad to hear Percy is sleeping well. We're getting ready to move and it would be such a wonderful housewarming gift if my almost-12-month old started sleeping better at night once we move. You're giving me hope!

  • Jessica G.

    That photo of Poet is a beauty. I love how you dress your children. And the look of genuine joy on her face is just the best.

  • Gaby

    Oh man, I am obsessed with overalls! Where are these from? x

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