It was time for a late spring clean. Or perhaps I’ll call it a pre-Christmas purge. Whatever its official name, I took to the wardrobes on the weekend and made space. I usually do this kind [...]
“A portrait of my youngest children, once a week, every week, in 2016.” Percy: I love his intrigued stare. Poet: a Jungle Book dance routine…and she was amazing!
If you’re planning on buying a new summer dress for Christmas celebrations, today is the day. I’ve teamed up with Fabrik and chosen my favourite dresses for the season, all of which [...]
There is only so much lego one can buy. Which leaves books (and a new bookshelf?) and….. If you have an older child I’m sure you can sympathise with my dilemma. We held off on [...]
At last count there were 105, 237 homeless people in Australia. That’s 1 in every 200 Australians. It’s estimated that 44% of our homeless population are women. I discovered this [...]
As soon as we got home this afternoon I announced we were going to the beach. Granted, it would have been easier to stay at home and move through the daily routine of homework, dinner prep and [...]
“A portrait of my youngest children, once a week, every week, in 2016.” Poet: only a few weeks left of pre-school and she’s at that eager/sad to finish stage. Percy: watermelon [...]
Alternative title: “Wishlist” I’m not sure if it’s age or environmental awareness but I think there’s something quite beautiful about gifts of the practical, [...]
We’re on the cusp of the giving season where social calendars are heaving and motivation may be dwindling. Am I the only one that finds this time of year a little challenging? The diary is [...]
“A portrait of my youngest children, once a week, every week, in 2016.” Percy: looking so big all of a sudden; the benefits of travel. Poet: our last day in Bali, a moment of quiet.
If your five-year-old is anything like mine, you might be Christmas shopping for anything but toys this year. While Poet still plays with her beloved doctor’s kit, dolls and play/mud [...]
In unsettled times when the air is seemingly thick with anxiety, I come back to the simple things. Perhaps some would call it hiding but I prefer to call it nurturing. Closing the doors, creating [...]
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