
“A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013.” Che: Tired eyes, cranky mood. But…school is over and we have two weeks of lazy mornings and spontaneous adventures [...]

living less distracted

The Japanese Maple – late to turn but right now those tiny, delicate star leaves are falling all around. I’ve worked at the dining table for the past few days and watched the grey sky [...]


 “A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013.” Che: Keeping me company as I recover from a nasty 24hour bug.  Poet: Running from a sea of pink.   I love them both [...]


“A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013.” Che: Playing battleships on the pirate ship Poet: Rouge cheeks and a sad pout;  she’s been feverish and miserable [...]

the age gap conundrum

photo by luisa brimble – mid-summer in Brooklyn (they’ve both grown so much in 6 months!)   There’s a pattern emerging – a primal pattern that reaffirms just how powerful [...]

the girl in the garden

clothes gifted by caramel baby & child / photography by alexandrena parker / styling by stefanie ingram A garden photo shoot complete with a defiant little Poet who always said [...]

the story of home

chunky knits and a handful of crunch from a neighbour’s garden / table vignette including blushing bride, eucalyptus and sweet pea, a scalloped candle holder found at Bayside Vintage and [...]


“A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013.” Che: He took his book into the garden, as you do. Photo by Daniel. Poet: Her third time watching this beautiful film [...]