
“A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2012.” Che: tick, tick, tick, tick. Always thinking. Here I’m telling him why that was his last swimming lesson [...]

go gently

A few days ago a southerly blew in and with it came true autumn. All of a sudden we’re wearing woollens, taking hot water bottles to bed and preparing soups and stocks for the weeks ahead. [...]

apple town

This film so accurately captures the light and ambiance of that morning in Michelle’s kitchen. I love its lyrical quality; its sense of nostalgia.  I love that Daniel can tell a [...]


“A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2012.” Che: With practice, comes confidence. “I want to ride my bike every day, always.” Poet: Why am I not [...]


I feel like I’ve wandered from my path a little. Perhaps it’s the post-holiday slump that hasn’t quite lifted or the weeks tied to the keyboard in an effort to make deadline. I [...]


“A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2012.” Che: “This is the best dressing gown I have ever had in my life.” It’s the only dressing gown [...]

home life

  I’m on the tail end of the housekeeping. Thank goodness! Che moved into the office, Poet’s things are in Che’s old room (she still sleeps in our bed) and the office moved [...]


“A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2012.” Honest captures that so aptly describe my children this week. All credit goes to Tim; who never fails to photograph life [...]