This week is rather big for me. Before I birthed Ché I did quite a lot of freelance writing work and I loved it – especially the opportunity it provided to work in my pajamas with a cup of [...]
It is so unseasonably warm for late april but we took full advantage the last three days and headed to a quiet spot on the beach. Note that we found vintage tonka (I squealed when he found it and [...]
{this moment} {this moment} – A Friday ritual. A single photo – no words – capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, [...]
I like routine. And I don’t know where my head would be if I didn’t follow a rhythm every day. It has really been a savior for me as a mum. I remember back when Ché was a few months [...]
I choose you! Checks and Spots awarded me a Kreative Blog Award (about 6 weeks ago) and I’m only just getting around to my half of the deal – write seven things about myself. So, here [...]
Che kneading hot cross buns (cross bums) dough at steiner playgroup I can already feel the Easter eggs on my love handles. I ate three today because I was suffering the dreaded writer’s [...]
It was a great Friday to have a birthday and now I am officially in my mid-twenties. Feeling a little sad to have left the earlies but looking forward with bright eyes and smiles. What will 26 [...]
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