In a rather serendipitous series of events Daniel and I managed to spend a night in Sydney together. As a couple. For the first time since Ché was born (exactly two-and-a-half years ago today). [...]
Thanks for all your kind well-wishes. Daniel is all better and now I’ve come down with a sniffle and a sore throat. I’m not the best in stressful situations – I lose my appetite [...]
Only a few hours after I wrote my last post I had to take Daniel back to emergency (it was 2am…it wasn’t fun). He had an allergic reaction to the painkillers and was violently sick. [...]
After three days of suffering with a throbbing head I took Daniel into Emergency this morning. Headaches that last for days are so concerning, a million and one things run through your mind. We [...]
Last week I decided to give up coffee. I’ve never been addicted to anything but I think I was becoming addicted to the ritual of a cappuccino each day. I would really look forward to the [...]
This morning i woke to the sound of rain and the comfort of the quilt pulled right up to my chin. Bliss in itself until I realised that Daniel didn’t have to go to work and I was treated to [...]
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