Daniel remembers when he was little and he would fall asleep with a book open across his face – because he loved the scent of the pages. I read to Ché when he was in the womb and at our [...]
images courtesy of toast i received a beautiful surprise. the nairobi shopper from toast that i had been subtly pining over for months. fair trade made in kenya and one of those [...]
Ché ché and liviya on the front step. He’s got his truck and she’s got her doll.I always wonder how long these friendships will last. I suppose all that’s important is [...]
Ready to party for ommi’s birthday we lit sandalwood incense to keep the mozzies at bay…and then we indulged in baked ricotta, special cheeses, roast lemon and garlic chicken, [...]
Dressing up in dada’s clothes (hippie headband looks good on both my boys). growing up too fast. halfway through summer already. enjoying the daze and reminding myself when I complain of [...]
Today Mardi (my MIL) and I facilitated our first “pregnant and prepared” couples workshop at the studio. It was such an honour to teach and gently guide six beautiful pregnant couples [...]
I just spent some time in the garden. The sun is hot and the earth is abundant with worms and bugs – good bugs. A sign that our garden is thriving. I dug out a whole bowl of potatoes, [...]
When you live in an ashram you live simply. You rise with the sun to practice yoga, you eat delicious vegetarian meals that are prepared with time and love (you can taste it) and you spend your [...]
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