Became naked swimming session in the rock pool (us mamas stayed clothed and dry). sunny and bright i chased my giggling toddler around and around as he threw pebbles into the sea. a fast and [...]
it’s the middle of winter and yet this morning, as ché ché and i dawdled along the beach, the sun was bright, the air was warm and the ocean a little like a bath. tepid, perhaps. seaweed [...]
They really do shine. I truly believe in the rule of wishing. Telling yourself that you’ll find that item you most want. However, if you go into an op-shop looking for it, you won’t [...]
White space, bedroom space There’s a post over at Camp Creek Blog about the ‘white space’ on a page. The blank bits, the nothingness between words, paragraphs, thoughts. It [...]
One little thing always leads to another in this online world. And although I’m not a huge fan of technology I am grateful for the connection and the inspiration that can be discovered. [...]
In his vintage schott leather jacket. it arrived yesterday and he wanted a photo. i took advantage of the opportunity and snapped away. i like his style. i love him.
Just the way you are. One of the most wonderful magazine covers I’ve seen in a while. Black, white & red. Super stylish and oh so sweet. It’s helped pass the time as I lay on the [...]
I’m so saddened by news that the Australian Federal Government plan to make home birth illegal. From July 2010 midwives who work outside of hospitals and birthing centres will be excluded [...]
But not together. Home-grown flavour and colour to add a little bright around the house. It’s so blustery today, the perfect weather for staying in and cuddling under a blanket. Ché’s [...]
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